When I buy a book whether in the book store or online I always write my name in it with the date that I bought it. Thus back in 1990 I bought this very clever picture book. I say clever because it shows intelligence and skill by the author, Graeme Base. The Eleventh Hour - A Curious Mystery is a book that appeals to all ages. It's a mystery albeit for children also. I've included a few photos to provoke an interest. But as you can see, I've never broken the seal at the back of the book. That's not to say I haven't peeked! ;-)
Depending on the cleverness of your child, I should say it's for ages 5 or 6 years old on up. Adults will get a chuckle out of it also.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Beautiful Images For You #1 and Pink Saturday
Join Beverly of HowSweetTheSound and the other participants for Pink Saturday and see all the pink items. You'll be delighted for sure, Chicks.
I am a firm believer in sharing. I cannot even tell you how many images I have from when I was designing templates. I don't do that anymore but I thought I'd start sharing with you so you can use them also. I probably have well over 10,000 images so I'll put some on here from time to time so you can use in your scrapbooking, crafting or any way you wish. As you can see I'll be numbering them so count on a number 2 sometime soon. I promise you it will be worth it. I have all kinds of images for different holidays. Enjoy.

I am a firm believer in sharing. I cannot even tell you how many images I have from when I was designing templates. I don't do that anymore but I thought I'd start sharing with you so you can use them also. I probably have well over 10,000 images so I'll put some on here from time to time so you can use in your scrapbooking, crafting or any way you wish. As you can see I'll be numbering them so count on a number 2 sometime soon. I promise you it will be worth it. I have all kinds of images for different holidays. Enjoy.
Random Thoughts:
Now, you didn't think I wouldn't say something else, did you? Oho, you should know me better than that, chicks. ;-)
At the ward Christmas party at church in December, Love Bunny was dressing for it and I perused his attire with a looooong, slow look at him. Nice Dockers and button-down red shirt.
She: You're not wearing that, are you?
He: Why? Which don't you like?
Looking at himself, he looked puzzled.
She: The Santa hat. (He is one of the church leaders and I thought that was a bit undignified with the Santa hat on his head.)
He decided I was right because we focus on the Savior with our Christmas parties. Kids get candy but there isn't a Santa Claus there.
Several months ago now I was doing my monthly visiting teaching with my V.T. companion and we were going to a sister out quite a ways from us. I wasn't in the mood that day and as it turned out we spent 5 hours doing this and neither one of us has that kind of spare time.
However, I learned something.
I must admit I had a major attitude that day. We went to this lady's home and she had it built and it was beautiful. We had the tour—a major BIG TIME tour. But when I walked in I saw her very formal dining room set with place settings on the table, I thought to myself that it was a bit showy just to show us her new home. I was thinking she had "styled" it as is done for magazines. Well, I later learned we had been invited for lunch and wasn't even told about it. Now, I was trying to lose some weight and was a bit miffed that I didn't have control over my food on that occasion. But as we were preparing to eat after the hour and a half tour, she served a salad and desserts. But we spent just over 2 hours with her and by the time we left I was ready to "KILL"! I had scheduled 2 hours for the 2 women we visit and when it turned into 5, I was fit to be tied.
But later, I thought about it and realized I missed the major point here: I had a nice lunch. But with the attitude I carried for those hours I lost the purpose for the visit—to bring a spiritual message and companionship to a fellow Christian. I failed that test. I shall be more compassionate in the future.
A few weeks ago now Love Bunny and I (okay, mostly "I") wanted a hot dog. So since I was driving we stopped at the Chevron Gem Stop station. It's brand new and you could practically live in there with what they offer. Even has a Starbucks. So as we were leaving a man held the door for me. I wasn't sure if he was just being a gentleman or if he thought I was an old lady that needed help with the door. Aaaaack, is this what happens when we are over "39"? ;-)
What exactly is meant when we say "the far side of town"? I guess that depends on what side of town you live on. So I don't refer to the "far side" anymore; I usually say north, south, east or west side of town.
I'm going to leave this world kicking and screaming carrying pink, frilly and froufrou-y things if it's the last thing I do......well, that will be the last thing I do. *Wink*

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Gorgeous Papers #2
Even more gorgeous papers for you to view. This one is a gorgeous Christmas-y one, but I think it could be used for just about any occasion. After all, holly is just a lovely plant of red berries, and white evergreens (is that an oxymoron?) are abundant in many shabby, romantic homes all through the year and doesn't have to signify Christmas altogether. I'd certainly use it all through the year.

For the bird and nature lover. Notice the little bunny at the bottom.
For the bird and nature lover. Notice the little bunny at the bottom.
pretty papers,
victorian papers
Monday, January 25, 2010
Can We Talk, Girls?
Can we talk "beauty" things for a moment? Well, I'm going to anyway, so sit down and listen.
I like "fluffy/mis-arranged" hair; always have and always will. I tried and tried to get a good picture of all my hair this morning before I went to church but I could NOT for the life of me get it all in. I tried getting the back of it, but, alas, no deal. I'd just get a picture of the top. (Do you realize the contortions you have to go through to get a back head shot?! No? Well, I'm here to tell ya, it ain't easy, chicks.)

So tonight I went into the bathroom and tried doing it in the mirror. I must have taken 10 photos to get just these 3 to show you. We won't even include the conversation with Love Bunny.....sigh...... Men simply don't understand these things!

I thought I was rather clever getting this one of the front top and the back. I didn't try for it; it just happened serendipitously.

And this is the reason: this product. I've used this for a couple of years now and just love it. It truly does hold like glue. Karli, my hairdresser for cuts and perms only as I do NOT have my hair done regularly, used this on me and I've loved it ever since. It is great and goes a very long way. I simply put a tiny bit in my hand and on fingertips and "comb" with my hands. Karli never ever uses a comb on my hair and only uses a brush to dry it. She uses her fingers. She is the most talented hairdresser in the state of Idaho. I love this kid and treat her very well with gifts and nice tips. ;-) I always take care of the woman who is holding the scissors near my hair!!
I like "fluffy/mis-arranged" hair; always have and always will. I tried and tried to get a good picture of all my hair this morning before I went to church but I could NOT for the life of me get it all in. I tried getting the back of it, but, alas, no deal. I'd just get a picture of the top. (Do you realize the contortions you have to go through to get a back head shot?! No? Well, I'm here to tell ya, it ain't easy, chicks.)
So tonight I went into the bathroom and tried doing it in the mirror. I must have taken 10 photos to get just these 3 to show you. We won't even include the conversation with Love Bunny.....sigh...... Men simply don't understand these things!
I thought I was rather clever getting this one of the front top and the back. I didn't try for it; it just happened serendipitously.
And this is the reason: this product. I've used this for a couple of years now and just love it. It truly does hold like glue. Karli, my hairdresser for cuts and perms only as I do NOT have my hair done regularly, used this on me and I've loved it ever since. It is great and goes a very long way. I simply put a tiny bit in my hand and on fingertips and "comb" with my hands. Karli never ever uses a comb on my hair and only uses a brush to dry it. She uses her fingers. She is the most talented hairdresser in the state of Idaho. I love this kid and treat her very well with gifts and nice tips. ;-) I always take care of the woman who is holding the scissors near my hair!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
A Recent Monday for Pink Saturday 1/27/10
It's another Pink Saturday hosted by Beverly of HowSweetTheSound. Please go and visit all the participants and enjoy yourself. And yes, I did visit several new ones last week but for the life of me I can't remember which ones. I'm losing it, gals.
Okay, so I'm ever changing the way the house looks! You got a problem with that, chicks? No? Good! Because on a recent monday I got the "bug" to redo some things here.
Remember this post where I had to move in the exercise bench? Gone. Yep, outside on the back porch waiting on someone to call from Craigslist or it'll go to a thrift store. I've only used it a couple of time but I do the exercises my chiropractor recommended with a big ball and rubber tubing so I didn't need it. OUT! Thus, it made room for an etagère from my living room. That started this chain of events.
Everything off the shelves of one bookcase in the family room. Notice my exercise ball in the corner by the sofa. Oooooh, and for those of you who have asked where I got that green and white ticking stripe slipcover, it's no longer available. I purchased it about 4 years ago online at Touchstone but they don't have slipcovers anymore. It is very unique, and I've washed it many times, and it fits so well I was sorry I couldn't find it anymore to recommend to all of you who have emailed asking about it.
Okay, so I'm ever changing the way the house looks! You got a problem with that, chicks? No? Good! Because on a recent monday I got the "bug" to redo some things here.
Remember this post where I had to move in the exercise bench? Gone. Yep, outside on the back porch waiting on someone to call from Craigslist or it'll go to a thrift store. I've only used it a couple of time but I do the exercises my chiropractor recommended with a big ball and rubber tubing so I didn't need it. OUT! Thus, it made room for an etagère from my living room. That started this chain of events.
Everything off the shelves of one bookcase in the family room. Notice my exercise ball in the corner by the sofa. Oooooh, and for those of you who have asked where I got that green and white ticking stripe slipcover, it's no longer available. I purchased it about 4 years ago online at Touchstone but they don't have slipcovers anymore. It is very unique, and I've washed it many times, and it fits so well I was sorry I couldn't find it anymore to recommend to all of you who have emailed asking about it.
Much better after straightened and cleaning a bit. I changed the pillows from another room to here. My box of crayons is on the bottom shelf of the mosaic table I stole...uhhh, borrowed from my daughter on one of our trips back to California last year. I love to color in books.
This wall definitely needs something after moving one of the bookcases to the living room. I have shelves and artwork I could put here but just not sure what I want to do with it at the moment.
These Baker chairs have been upholstered 3 times. I love the chairs: soft, cushy and extremely well made and showing no signs of wear after 25 years so I'll keep them. I had them covered with quilts because they didn't look too shabby chic, but now I'm thinking they go just fine. I ordered 2 chair covers online but sent them back as I didn't like the way they fit. I think they go well because as Rachel Ashwell says kilim goes well with shabby chic. Isn't that what it's al about: mixing and "MIS"matching? I think it is. The chairs are a pale green, pink and lavender as you can see in the photos below this one. I absolutely love those chairs and they will probably be here long after I'm gone.
This one is Love Bunny's and yes, I can definitely tell which one is mine and which one is his just by sitting in it. The cushions have molded to our "bottoms"! Noooooo, really they are feathers inside and we can fluff them up a bit but they are really stuffed tightly.
I'm thinking of a making a new cover for the ottoman though. I doubt I'll get to it before spring. Too many other things I want to do first.

Friday, January 22, 2010
Mandy's Guest Room
An inexpensive decorating idea...
My granddaughter used the photos I posted on my blog last summer to make an inexpensive decorating vignette for her guest room. The best part is that the photos are actually from my garden that I posted last summer. It makes them even more special that they are her grandmother's (me) roses. She captured them beautifully from the blog and then printed them out and bought inexpensive frames at Michaels and arranged them in her guest room, which is our room when we visit.
Her decorating is much different from mine and her mom's but at least she could find something to incorporate into her decorating that is nostalgic. Her mom and I often wonder where we went wrong in teaching her!! ;-)
My granddaughter used the photos I posted on my blog last summer to make an inexpensive decorating vignette for her guest room. The best part is that the photos are actually from my garden that I posted last summer. It makes them even more special that they are her grandmother's (me) roses. She captured them beautifully from the blog and then printed them out and bought inexpensive frames at Michaels and arranged them in her guest room, which is our room when we visit.
Her decorating is much different from mine and her mom's but at least she could find something to incorporate into her decorating that is nostalgic. Her mom and I often wonder where we went wrong in teaching her!! ;-)
They hang on the wall next to the bed but aren't very straight at the moment. Next trip over I'm taking my fun-tac and anchoring them in place!
Random Thoughts:
I am always losing my spot when reading a book because the bookmark usually falls out but I've discovered that a piece of yarn, which is very "stretchable", tied into a circle and slipped over the spot I wish to save works wonders—doesn't fall out of the book, no matter how I toss it around.
When recently going to visit granddaughter we took along our GPS system. She talks to us so I'm guessing that's how most of them are. But when she says "slight right turn" what exactly does she mean? A bend in the road? Stymied us a couple of times, but it got me to thinking about how the pioneers might have used it:
Go straight for one week, turn at the big rock shaped like a table on the north side of the trail. Then go west for a month and when coming to a river go through it but watch for snakes and keep kids in the wagon. If they ask "Are we there yet?" just say "Almost" or "Only a few more weeks"! If they're hungry, just tell them to keep an eye out for a steer? Boggles my mind.

Thursday, January 21, 2010
After All That Work
Several days ago, I had a brilliant idea. It quickly turned sour. :-(
I thought of putting tulle netting on this little glittery tree. That necessitated another run to WM for more netting. I've probably bought and used at least 50 yds of netting this past holiday season but I've run out. I needed milk anyway. That netting and milk cost me $50 at WM. I think they count on us coming in frequently just so we'll spend more money. Noooo, I don't think it; I know it.
I got it all decked out. Then I plugged it in and the lights wouldn't work! Hubby came home and told me he couldn't find all the LED lights through all the froufrou. I had to take it off. I just about cried. Do you have any idea how hard it is to put that stuff on a twiggy tree with all the glitter falling off and the tulle getting caught on it? No? Well, I'm here to tell ya it ain't easy, chicks.
We found the fuse and replaced it and all is fine now. This is how it turned out. I took this late at night and it isn't very good but you get the idea.

Little victorian pin made by my friend, Bertie of Aunt May's Cottage. Visit her site with items for sale. She has wonderful things!

Here starts the beginning of your learning from my mistakes. I thought of removing the few above photos but decided to keep them so I could display my adventure of trying to get it right. ;-) Okay, okay, go ahead and make your own mistakes, chicks!
After viewing it all day long I didn't like the proportions of the tree—looked too skimpy with the netting. (This is obviously due to the utter nuttiness of trying to put tulle netting on a twiggy tree with sequins glued to it!) I took it allllll oooooffff and cut it into manageable pieces and then wrapped it around the tree and bunched some pieces up into little fluff balls and just kind of stuck them in there. VoilĂ , I like it much better now. Looks fuller and more "poofy." And this was taken at night with an overhead light on with NO flash. Much better. I truly like this style much better.

Okay, I couldn't resist taking a few more pictures. One outside on this cold morning and the other one in the dining room, just to show you how pretty it really is.

And this is where it ended up—on one of the bookcases I brought in from our family room to the living room and took the etagère from here into the.....but wait, that's a different post. ;-) Sighing and screaming!!!

Little victorian pin made by my friend, Bertie of Aunt May's Cottage. Visit her site with items for sale. She has wonderful things!
Here starts the beginning of your learning from my mistakes. I thought of removing the few above photos but decided to keep them so I could display my adventure of trying to get it right. ;-) Okay, okay, go ahead and make your own mistakes, chicks!
After viewing it all day long I didn't like the proportions of the tree—looked too skimpy with the netting. (This is obviously due to the utter nuttiness of trying to put tulle netting on a twiggy tree with sequins glued to it!) I took it allllll oooooffff and cut it into manageable pieces and then wrapped it around the tree and bunched some pieces up into little fluff balls and just kind of stuck them in there. VoilĂ , I like it much better now. Looks fuller and more "poofy." And this was taken at night with an overhead light on with NO flash. Much better. I truly like this style much better.
Okay, I couldn't resist taking a few more pictures. One outside on this cold morning and the other one in the dining room, just to show you how pretty it really is.
And this is where it ended up—on one of the bookcases I brought in from our family room to the living room and took the etagère from here into the.....but wait, that's a different post. ;-) Sighing and screaming!!!

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