I want to talk about some serious things at the moment—things that are definitely applicable to today's social environment. But first some eye candy images for you to use as you see fit. There are LOTS of ways to imagine using these images. Enjoy.

Everyone enjoys roses in their creations, don't they?
Everyone enjoys roses in their creations, don't they?
Lots of projects could be made with this one.
My church has counseled us to avoid becoming preoccupied with the vain things of the world. "The vain things of [the] world include every combination of that worldly quartet of property, pride, prominence and power. We should be seeking the kind of treasures the scriptures promise the faithful: 'great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures'.
"In terms of preoccupation with self and a fixation on the physical, this is more than social insanity; it is spiritually destructive and it accounts for much of the unhappiness in the modern world. And if adults are preoccupied with appearance—tucking and nipping and implanting and remodeling everything that can be remodeled—those pressures and anxieties will certainly seep through to children. At some point the problem becomes 'vain imaginations'. And in secular society both vanity and imagination run wild. One would truly need a great and spacious makeup kit to compete with beauty as portrayed in media all around us.
"One of the greatest challenges we will face is to be able to live in that world but somehow not be of that world. We have to create Zion in the midst of Babylon."
Okay, I'm guilty. I've wanted and lusted for things. Oh, not jewelry. That doesn't entice me one bit. But I've wanted popularity and recognition for things I do. I've wanted a nicer, bigger house. (Yeah, I've gotten over that...maybe.) I've wanted to be able to have someone else's talent: playing the piano, making fabulous creations to sell, their sweetness or even their humbleness. I'm humble in many ways—humble meaning teachable, but not truly humble where I don't have pride. I work on this on a daily basis though and it's a struggle for me just as it is for many of you.

"In terms of preoccupation with self and a fixation on the physical, this is more than social insanity; it is spiritually destructive and it accounts for much of the unhappiness in the modern world. And if adults are preoccupied with appearance—tucking and nipping and implanting and remodeling everything that can be remodeled—those pressures and anxieties will certainly seep through to children. At some point the problem becomes 'vain imaginations'. And in secular society both vanity and imagination run wild. One would truly need a great and spacious makeup kit to compete with beauty as portrayed in media all around us.
"One of the greatest challenges we will face is to be able to live in that world but somehow not be of that world. We have to create Zion in the midst of Babylon."
Okay, I'm guilty. I've wanted and lusted for things. Oh, not jewelry. That doesn't entice me one bit. But I've wanted popularity and recognition for things I do. I've wanted a nicer, bigger house. (Yeah, I've gotten over that...maybe.) I've wanted to be able to have someone else's talent: playing the piano, making fabulous creations to sell, their sweetness or even their humbleness. I'm humble in many ways—humble meaning teachable, but not truly humble where I don't have pride. I work on this on a daily basis though and it's a struggle for me just as it is for many of you.