I absolutely never ever expect something unless I've ordered something online and am always surprised and overwhelmed and humbled when I receive a present in the mail. If you don't believe me just ask hubs! We are not a "gotta buy a present for someone" family unless it is grandkids and once they reach a certain age, that's it. Just best wishes or a phone call to let them know we love them. I have all I could ever need and a pretty good percentage of all I would want. ;-) If it's pink and has roses then I want it usually. Hah. But anyway when I got the mail today a package was in the mail also. Not expecting anything that size in a Priority box (I am waiting for a new ethernet cable and keyboard from Apple, but they don't ship USPS usually.) so I was a bit surprised and perplexed as to who would be sending me something. I opened it up and immediately spotted this beautiful paper and knew I had to photograph it. Isn't it pretty? Then I unwrapped it and saw this adorable pillow from Vickie (she's in my ebay group and we just love her to pieces!) and just squeeeeealed with delight!!!! DIVA?!??! You betcha! A shocking fuchsia pillow with matching feather and DIVA on it! I AM a Diva!!!!

Wylde Woman award from Shannon at Paint Mine Pink. This chick is one of my favorites because of the "tea parties" she has with her son and the sweet things she does for him. Plus her cupcakes are adorable! ;-) She brightens my day far more than I brighten hers, trust me! I wish we lived on the same continent but it's hard to get her to move over here..........hmmmmmmmm, would a free meal for a month do it, chickee?!?!?! LOL The wildest thing I've done lately is take the hair off my legs with Nair! Ouuuuuuch........that reeeeeallly hurt! I think I'll shave them next time or just not wear my hot pants!! Hah......... ;-)