I'm making a new dress and I love long dresses since I hate wearing pantihose anymore. BUT I didn't have enough fabric for a long dress. Well, I had enough but it wasn't in one piece but in two pieces and wouldn't work. Sooooo, I bought this fabric to add 6 inches to the bottom. We'll see how it turns out though. I have this "vision" and in reality it may not be what I'm envisioning. Hah.
This is the dress that gave me the inspiration—the soutache. I thought if it could be used on a bodice, it could be used around the bottom also. I have taken precautions to remove it if it doesn't turn out like I want. I don't want to destroy 2 yards of fabric that cost $13.00 a yard. This dress is in a couture sewing book that I've had for many years. I'll show you some of them in the next few months. Beautiful sewing by ordinary people, not fashion design houses!
Yes, indeed, there are days like this one. Not a big deal but last week when I looked out the window UPS was driving up. I went to the door and received the package and he asked me if my door bell really was not working. Puzzled at his question, I answered it was indeed not working. He said he has one lady on his route that "tole painted" a sign that said to not ring her door bell. He asked her why and she said I have a baby sleeping and don't want to wake him/her. I thought that was rather clever.
Our doorbell just this very moment was fixed by Love Bunny!! I hate it when things don't work properly..........uhhhhhh, doorbells, NOT Love Bunny. He works perfectly!!

If I thought I actually looked like the photo on my driver's license and the one they now take at the doctor's office my children would be orphans!!!
Have you ever been in a public bathroom stall and "things go awry"? Well, it has happened to me a few times. Once I can't even TELL you what went "awry" that time so don't even ask. But the other day Love Bunny decided (wanna guess who made the suggestion, hmmmm?) to take me to lunch at my favorite fish house. I went to the rest room and it was downhill from there. I thought I was stuck with no papier hygiƩnique (psssst, that's a nice way of saying toilet paper) and almost cried. No way could I have ..........well, you get the picture. Why don't they check it 3 times a day and leave extra rolls on the top of the contraption just in case it runs out or you can't get it to work?!?!?!?!?!!
One of the advantages of growing old is that your eyes start to "go" just about the time the wrinkles start to "appear"!
Remember, I mentioned this little hand held recorder I got at Best Buy for $30? Well, I am absolutely unequivocally thrilled with it. I carry it in my pocket and when a thought pops into my head I pull it out and record into it. I don't know how I survived without this little jewel. :-)
I recently made a stop at Subway to grab a quick sandwich before going off on another photoshoot. A young adult man and I approached the door at the same time as an elderly couple was coming out. Now, I would have held the door for them as the woman was walking with a cane and I'm a kind and gracious person. But 2 things happened here. One the young man held the door and the woman sort of pushed her way out very ungraciously as if we had to defer to her. Now, pleeeeeeeease, don't get on me here. I would have and absolutely DO defer to people coming OUT of the door, but this old lady was obnoxious. But after entering I sort of stepped off to the side to defer to this young adult man to get a sandwich because I figured he was on his lunch hour and I had plenty of time and am never rushed......okay, rarely rushed to go anywhere. But he didn't proceed. He let me go first! I was stunned and honored that a MAN ( a REAL man/gentleman) would do that. Most places they'd push ahead and run to be first in line. What a sweetheart he was - and a true gentleman.
Then another thing happened there. A group of people entered together maybe 7 or 8 of them. I noticed one short kind of plumpish young woman from the back. When she and another man had finished getting their sandwiches they walked to a table and sat down. He went back to the soda fountain to get their drinks and upon returning lost control of the 2 containers and soda went flying everywhere. They were both splattered and had to move one table closer to me. That's when I really noticed her hair. She had it back in a ponytail and she took it out and let it fall down. I have to tell you she had the most gorgeous glorious hair I've ever seen. Lovely frost job, magnificent cut and it was just shoulder length but thick and just lovely. I don't think I've ever seen hair so pretty. As I got up to leave I put my arm around her shoulder and whispered to her that she had the most gorgeous hair I've ever seen. To say I startled her at first is a bit understated but when I whispered in her ear she just smiled. She was very pretty also. I think I made that chick's day! Isn't it wonderful to know you made someone's day??? Oh, she was "plumpishly pregnant" when she turned around! I'm sure like all of us when we are pregnant she probably felt awkward and I think that lifted her spirits again.
I've noticed that when we eat at home, hubs starts right in. Me? I have to put everything on the plate, arrange it all and salt and pepper before I even start. He will put one thing on and start eating just that one thing before he puts all of the food/salad on the plate. Just seems weird to me to not put it all on and then start.
We were at Olive Garden last week eating and a couple was seated near us. Now, this is becoming the typical thing in restaurants but for you younger guys and gals, men used to remove their hats in restaurants and Love Bunny still does. He would never ever eat with a hat on or in his "underwear"! He removes a hat when going into a church also. But this young adult male was kind of a slob in his attire also. But when he asked if they had hash browns, eggs or waffles IN OLIVE GARDEN I thought I would break out laughing. Duh, you came to an Italian restaurant and they don't serve breakfast, kiddo!!
A couple dining in a restaurant should never clean up the plates and stack them. Bad etiquette. It's a nice thought but strictly out of line. Leave them for the waitpersons to do.
Hubs and I were shopping at WM recently and were trekking through the girls department on our way to another department. I noticed the little girls bras and shrieked at hubs to look at this: a pink bra with polka dots and lace and padded and very sexy for a KID?!?!?! Trust me if they're that small they don't need a bra, ladies! Sheeeesh...........
Towels? Yep, towels! Have you noticed how the kitchen dish towels get dirty in the "center" while the bathroom hand towels get dirty of the "ends"? True.
For me ambrosia is pineapple juice. I could drink it all the time if allowed. But water makes the body function best. When as a kid I lived in Hawaii we'd go to Del Monte's pineapple plant and they'd have pineapple juice coming out of the water spigots on the fountains. I loved that and it was so neat to drink it out of a water fountain.
For me, life is a potential blog. Or photoshoot, much to Love Bunny's dismay. *Chuckle*....
I read a LOT. I'm talking about at least 2 or 3 books a week depending on the length and things I need to do that week. But I've noticed something recently: it's very difficult to read numbers written out, such as seven delta four zero four (7D404). When reading them my brain wants to "convert" the written number into the actual number. It slows me down when reading a book with a lot of that in it. Brains are weird, aren't they? Hmmmmmm.......
I've been surfing and reading some blogs lately and wonder about some. I truly think some want to become famous and there is nothing in the world wrong with that. But it made me wonder what some people would do for fame. What is your limit and what would you do for millions of dollars?
Well, my honest answer is this. What would I do for millions of dollars: absolutely nothing! I have sufficient for our needs and am happy. What more could I possibly want?!
I feel sorry for all the people who have tattoos because what a waste of money it is. Also the "s*x changes" men and women go through because when the Lord comes we'll be as we were "originally" with the original gender restored and our bodies will be perfect. I'm hoping my perfect body is sorta in the shape of Sophia Loren! Hey, she's one of the most gorgeous women I've ever seen.
In this day and age of everyone having a cell phone it got pretty ugly around here recently when hubs and I both were on our cells in the same room. At least with our land lines (yes, I still have one and will always have one and use it 99.9% of the time) we have "extensions" and can be in separate rooms when chatting with kids, but with 2 people carrying on 2 different conversations in the same room it just doesn't work!
I think most of us have read the story of an old person going to do one thing which leads to another and then another and never gets the original task done. Well, I had one of those moments recently (I actually have them all the time but this is one that stayed fresh in my mind!) and decided to mention it. DUH!
When rearranging my office (yessssssss, again!!!) I noticed my eyeglasses were dirty and got out the windex to clean them and then noticed it was the last towel on the roll and we all know how that glue on the last paper towel will leave glue on the glasses, right? Ooooookay, so it was off to the garage to pick up a fresh roll to FINISH cleaning the glasses again and then I saw something out there that needed tending so did that and then wanted to make a note on my shopping list to pick up more paper towels and toilet tissue. Then I decided to make a bathroom call before I did that and did my business in there and then decided the toilet needed cleaning. Did that and then forgot that the mail was calling my name from the post box outside so went out and did that. Then came back in and placed the mail on the table and then noticed I never did the original thing I wanted to do. *Sigh*............
And last, but not least as they say, is this magnificent stuff here. I learned about this several years ago and this is the original tin I bought. It's for dry skin and contains lanolin. And yessssssss, that's cow b**bs on the picture. Hubs tells me they used to use this on the farm for cows when their udders got chapped. So yesssssssss, it can be used for chapped lips also. It is so dry out here in the western U.S. deserts. And yessssssss, eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, southern Idaho, and of course, Nevada and eastern Calif are all desert. HOT and DRY, chicks. I had tried everything on my lips - all kinds of chapsticks, Burts Bees and a creamy nice one from pink rose pastries but they didn't do the job this stuff does. It has a pleasant fragrance but I think it's the lanolin that makes it so good. I put a small amount on during the day and a bit more on at night and my lips don't dry out the way they used to. I found this in the local WM but I'm guessing just about any drug store would have it. It's actually fantastic for any dry body part. I recommend it highly.

7 years old Sirloin!

One of the advantages of growing old is that your eyes start to "go" just about the time the wrinkles start to "appear"!
Remember, I mentioned this little hand held recorder I got at Best Buy for $30? Well, I am absolutely unequivocally thrilled with it. I carry it in my pocket and when a thought pops into my head I pull it out and record into it. I don't know how I survived without this little jewel. :-)

I recently made a stop at Subway to grab a quick sandwich before going off on another photoshoot. A young adult man and I approached the door at the same time as an elderly couple was coming out. Now, I would have held the door for them as the woman was walking with a cane and I'm a kind and gracious person. But 2 things happened here. One the young man held the door and the woman sort of pushed her way out very ungraciously as if we had to defer to her. Now, pleeeeeeeease, don't get on me here. I would have and absolutely DO defer to people coming OUT of the door, but this old lady was obnoxious. But after entering I sort of stepped off to the side to defer to this young adult man to get a sandwich because I figured he was on his lunch hour and I had plenty of time and am never rushed......okay, rarely rushed to go anywhere. But he didn't proceed. He let me go first! I was stunned and honored that a MAN ( a REAL man/gentleman) would do that. Most places they'd push ahead and run to be first in line. What a sweetheart he was - and a true gentleman.
Then another thing happened there. A group of people entered together maybe 7 or 8 of them. I noticed one short kind of plumpish young woman from the back. When she and another man had finished getting their sandwiches they walked to a table and sat down. He went back to the soda fountain to get their drinks and upon returning lost control of the 2 containers and soda went flying everywhere. They were both splattered and had to move one table closer to me. That's when I really noticed her hair. She had it back in a ponytail and she took it out and let it fall down. I have to tell you she had the most gorgeous glorious hair I've ever seen. Lovely frost job, magnificent cut and it was just shoulder length but thick and just lovely. I don't think I've ever seen hair so pretty. As I got up to leave I put my arm around her shoulder and whispered to her that she had the most gorgeous hair I've ever seen. To say I startled her at first is a bit understated but when I whispered in her ear she just smiled. She was very pretty also. I think I made that chick's day! Isn't it wonderful to know you made someone's day??? Oh, she was "plumpishly pregnant" when she turned around! I'm sure like all of us when we are pregnant she probably felt awkward and I think that lifted her spirits again.
I've noticed that when we eat at home, hubs starts right in. Me? I have to put everything on the plate, arrange it all and salt and pepper before I even start. He will put one thing on and start eating just that one thing before he puts all of the food/salad on the plate. Just seems weird to me to not put it all on and then start.
We were at Olive Garden last week eating and a couple was seated near us. Now, this is becoming the typical thing in restaurants but for you younger guys and gals, men used to remove their hats in restaurants and Love Bunny still does. He would never ever eat with a hat on or in his "underwear"! He removes a hat when going into a church also. But this young adult male was kind of a slob in his attire also. But when he asked if they had hash browns, eggs or waffles IN OLIVE GARDEN I thought I would break out laughing. Duh, you came to an Italian restaurant and they don't serve breakfast, kiddo!!
A couple dining in a restaurant should never clean up the plates and stack them. Bad etiquette. It's a nice thought but strictly out of line. Leave them for the waitpersons to do.
Hubs and I were shopping at WM recently and were trekking through the girls department on our way to another department. I noticed the little girls bras and shrieked at hubs to look at this: a pink bra with polka dots and lace and padded and very sexy for a KID?!?!?! Trust me if they're that small they don't need a bra, ladies! Sheeeesh...........
Towels? Yep, towels! Have you noticed how the kitchen dish towels get dirty in the "center" while the bathroom hand towels get dirty of the "ends"? True.
For me ambrosia is pineapple juice. I could drink it all the time if allowed. But water makes the body function best. When as a kid I lived in Hawaii we'd go to Del Monte's pineapple plant and they'd have pineapple juice coming out of the water spigots on the fountains. I loved that and it was so neat to drink it out of a water fountain.
For me, life is a potential blog. Or photoshoot, much to Love Bunny's dismay. *Chuckle*....
I read a LOT. I'm talking about at least 2 or 3 books a week depending on the length and things I need to do that week. But I've noticed something recently: it's very difficult to read numbers written out, such as seven delta four zero four (7D404). When reading them my brain wants to "convert" the written number into the actual number. It slows me down when reading a book with a lot of that in it. Brains are weird, aren't they? Hmmmmmm.......
I've been surfing and reading some blogs lately and wonder about some. I truly think some want to become famous and there is nothing in the world wrong with that. But it made me wonder what some people would do for fame. What is your limit and what would you do for millions of dollars?
Well, my honest answer is this. What would I do for millions of dollars: absolutely nothing! I have sufficient for our needs and am happy. What more could I possibly want?!
I feel sorry for all the people who have tattoos because what a waste of money it is. Also the "s*x changes" men and women go through because when the Lord comes we'll be as we were "originally" with the original gender restored and our bodies will be perfect. I'm hoping my perfect body is sorta in the shape of Sophia Loren! Hey, she's one of the most gorgeous women I've ever seen.
In this day and age of everyone having a cell phone it got pretty ugly around here recently when hubs and I both were on our cells in the same room. At least with our land lines (yes, I still have one and will always have one and use it 99.9% of the time) we have "extensions" and can be in separate rooms when chatting with kids, but with 2 people carrying on 2 different conversations in the same room it just doesn't work!
I think most of us have read the story of an old person going to do one thing which leads to another and then another and never gets the original task done. Well, I had one of those moments recently (I actually have them all the time but this is one that stayed fresh in my mind!) and decided to mention it. DUH!
When rearranging my office (yessssssss, again!!!) I noticed my eyeglasses were dirty and got out the windex to clean them and then noticed it was the last towel on the roll and we all know how that glue on the last paper towel will leave glue on the glasses, right? Ooooookay, so it was off to the garage to pick up a fresh roll to FINISH cleaning the glasses again and then I saw something out there that needed tending so did that and then wanted to make a note on my shopping list to pick up more paper towels and toilet tissue. Then I decided to make a bathroom call before I did that and did my business in there and then decided the toilet needed cleaning. Did that and then forgot that the mail was calling my name from the post box outside so went out and did that. Then came back in and placed the mail on the table and then noticed I never did the original thing I wanted to do. *Sigh*............
And last, but not least as they say, is this magnificent stuff here. I learned about this several years ago and this is the original tin I bought. It's for dry skin and contains lanolin. And yessssssss, that's cow b**bs on the picture. Hubs tells me they used to use this on the farm for cows when their udders got chapped. So yesssssssss, it can be used for chapped lips also. It is so dry out here in the western U.S. deserts. And yessssssss, eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, southern Idaho, and of course, Nevada and eastern Calif are all desert. HOT and DRY, chicks. I had tried everything on my lips - all kinds of chapsticks, Burts Bees and a creamy nice one from pink rose pastries but they didn't do the job this stuff does. It has a pleasant fragrance but I think it's the lanolin that makes it so good. I put a small amount on during the day and a bit more on at night and my lips don't dry out the way they used to. I found this in the local WM but I'm guessing just about any drug store would have it. It's actually fantastic for any dry body part. I recommend it highly.

7 years old Sirloin!
As I've told you before when extolling the virtues of my vacuum sealer it is the best invention ever! Here is another case of it being the best money ever spent. (Okay, it was a gift from my son so I didn't pay for it, but I buy the bags for it!)
During our move 3 1/2 years ago (long story of moving 3x in 6 months) into this house our freezer meat got tossed around so much we weren't sure what we had. Hence, some of it got pushed to the back when we put it back into the freezer. We recently did an inventory to eat the oldest meat first and found this package of meat dated March 2002 had fallen down behind the shelf. Yes, that's the correct date. We ate this tonight and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. NO freezer burn from 7 years ago. Tasted great. So you'd better get one of those before long, chicks, or you're wasting money wrapping it in freezer wrap or plastic bags. Here's tonight's meal. And that little bottle of steak seasoning??? It's fantastic to put on any meat. We love it and don't cook any beef without adding this to it. Yummmmmm........
During our move 3 1/2 years ago (long story of moving 3x in 6 months) into this house our freezer meat got tossed around so much we weren't sure what we had. Hence, some of it got pushed to the back when we put it back into the freezer. We recently did an inventory to eat the oldest meat first and found this package of meat dated March 2002 had fallen down behind the shelf. Yes, that's the correct date. We ate this tonight and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. NO freezer burn from 7 years ago. Tasted great. So you'd better get one of those before long, chicks, or you're wasting money wrapping it in freezer wrap or plastic bags. Here's tonight's meal. And that little bottle of steak seasoning??? It's fantastic to put on any meat. We love it and don't cook any beef without adding this to it. Yummmmmm........