Every friday night my sweetie takes me out for dinner. It's called "Date Night" and I get to do what I want to do. No, it doesn't include looking at model trains, which is hubby's hobby! But it can include looking at fabric shops! Hah! Well, my choice was Michael's craft store and I was armed with 3 coupons. Yeaaaaaaaaaa......3 coupons! I spent 2 of them on these 4 little shelves and the other one on some stuff for hubby. See, I ain't entirely heartless!! ;-)

I spent just about all day yesterday painting some clay pots white. I'm not fond of the clay look and just decided to cross one more thing off of my to-d0 list.
Today I want to clean my house for sunday. I've made a decision that I need to devote my sunday to the Lord, although I don't clean it or do any work on sunday. I've given it much thought and discussed it with hubby after seeing a woman's blog who stated the same thing. Polly's blog is a treat for the eyes as well. So I'm spending more time with hubby and doing more "spiritual" things on sabbath day.