Refrigerators! Have you really looked at yours lately? I've seen some that I wouldn't even keep food for my pets (if I had any) in. Yuck. Well, I'm here to tell you that they can be beautiful also. Put some fresh strawberries in it. Then some apples, lemons, oranges and kiwi. Look at the colors of all that. Just gorgeous. Put a freshener in there so it doesn't have bad smells. Put some lovely stemware in them to get frosty and cold before you serve your drinks - water, kool-aid, juice, sodas or whatever you drink. They will look so pretty in there. Get rid of all the rotting leftovers you have and bottles of salad dressings you've bought and haven't eaten for months because you don't particularly like it. Oh, and Bernina's Poppy Seed dressing is to die for!! Gotta love those refrigerators and if you have one that is vintage, so much the better! Just make them lovely inside and out. Put decals on the fridge. Yes, you can do it.