Ahhhhh, the holidays are over and pretty much everything is back to normal. I've been crafting and reading but for the most part I'm pretty much laid back lately. Not been posting much, but hopefully that will change with the new year.
I made this little pin cushion as an experiment to see if I could do it. And yes, I can! I used some vintage chenille and some roses fabric (of course) and even put on a vintage piece of an old handkerchief as an antimacassar. Antimacassars are an old touch I remember from my grandmother but I still love that "old touch" and decided to incorporate it into my little cushion.
I love the modern conveniences we have today to make our lives so much easier. Consider yourself "dead" if you try and take away my computer!! But I do love those old times we spent at my grandma's house and the trips she used to take me on. It was a fun time for me.
Once when my father was overseas we went to live with my grandmother in Ohio. She and my grandpa had built a house in a peach orchard. It was a lovely house but my mother told me to not tell anyone it was built in a peach orchard. I never could understand why. It's almost as if she was embarrassed by it. Today if we could build a house in an orchard we'd be considered "upper class"! Anyway, my grandpa would go out and pick a peach and give it to us "fresh from the tree." He'd slice it with his pocket knife and we'd eat it with the juice running down our chins inhaling that lovely peach fragrance and that luscious color. I think I "overdosed" on peaches because to this day I won't eat peaches. I love the smell of them but I just cannot bring myself to eat them any more.
Oh, and the little couch pin cushion???? Well, it just might go to someone "special"!! Ya never know!! Hah