While we all want our rooms to look nice (I know I DO), we often neglect the obvious: comfort. If a room doesn't have comfortable seating the room won't feel right. I see a lot of rooms that have stiff formal chairs that in no way would be pleasant to sit on. I've been in homes where the sofa requires an extra hand to get an elderly person up from the sofa. That is too low. Or the sofa that is so soft/cushy we sink into it so much that we feel lost in it. How about the dining room chair that is so hard on our bottoms or back that we can't wait to get out of it?! I've had that happen. A couple of times my back has ached for a couple of days after eating at friend's homes. When dinner is through, retire to the living or family room for comfort.
As we get older we notice these things more, but we should always be aware of and consider these things when we are purchasing items for our homes. I once even bought a new sofa because of the little old ladies who would visit me. I wanted them to sit higher and not so low. Think about it.