The week we had the rest of the house painted was a blur to both of us. We sank into bed each night in total exhaustion from moving things from room to room for the painter. Although I'm not completely done with this room, there isn't much more to do. This is how it looks viewing it from our dining area. Soft lace curtains are tacked up over the entrance into this room for the soft romantic feminine feel I want. Love Bunny is going to make me a fireplace screen so I can paint it and put roses on it. I think I'll do decals until I get better with my roses painting. *Wink*

I left the border up for two reasons:
1. It is very expensive and
2. I can't find it anywhere anymore!
But he painted around it and I have 3 small patches to fix where I had to take down the curtain rods. But I do have a few feet left over to do this. I wish I could find it again but I've looked and looked. I bought the border many years ago because it is truly just scrumptious with roses. When I bought it I told my friends that I was buying it for my "forever house", which meant the last house we would live in until we were carted off kicking and screaming to the old folks home! I've kept that promise and never put it up anywhere until we bought this house. The pink chair I decoupaged came out of my bedroom into this room. As I've said many times, I "shop" in my home.......and daughter's home and storage shed. ;-)

I decided to go with "less" mostly because I love seeing so much pink. It's my favorite color, makes me happy, and I love being around it. I'm very, very visual. The beige color originally on the walls is my least favorite color for walls and I think I tried to cover it up with so much stuff. I love the new look, although, I'll be putting just a few more things up there..........maybe. I replaced the shabby chic roses curtains with plain white ones with vertical ruffles. They aren't very visible in the window because of the light but they are lovely curtains.

Of course, you can't see what's behind the chairs in the room or the end tables! I love the green ticking stripe slipcover and have had many, many requests asking where I got it. I bought it online at Touchstone but they aren't selling online anymore and I haven't seen it for a couple of years in their online store. I wonder where it could be found now. It truly is very shabby chic! But I also love blue so I found those 2 toile pillows stuffed with TJ Maxx for $25.00 a pair and snapped them up so fast I caused a whirlwind in the store that day. Then the plaid pillow I found at JCPenney and I made the other one out of a quilt I had. All in all this room has turned out well for me. Just needs a bit of "tweaking" and I'll be done!

A friend, Holly, painted that little picture for me over the sofa with the roses and birds looking down into a valley. I never framed it so I just hung it on the wall and put a bigger frame around it and it turned out just fine. I like the look and tried it again in the bedroom. Those pictures are for another blog post but I think you'll be delighted with that room if you like this room.