Happy pink saturday to all of you. Go visit with Beverly at How Sweet the Sound to view all the PS participants. You'll love seeing all the pink!
I loved the fabric of the curtains in the laundry room but decided I wanted something with more roses on it for the moment. This, you understand, is subject to change on any given day. Sunshine is so abundant in this room from the solartube that I couldn't get a good shot of the fabric but here it is. Tiny floral bouquets of roses. Looks great I think. Still thinking of more things to do to that little room.
I loved the fabric of the curtains in the laundry room but decided I wanted something with more roses on it for the moment. This, you understand, is subject to change on any given day. Sunshine is so abundant in this room from the solartube that I couldn't get a good shot of the fabric but here it is. Tiny floral bouquets of roses. Looks great I think. Still thinking of more things to do to that little room.

My sweet friend, Judy, at Vintage To Chic is having a huge giveaway you will NOT want to miss so go and visit with her and enter. All this in the photo is what she is giving away plus she is having a big sale on her website. So see!