It's been one heck of a week for me. But first I need to show the birthday people. My eldest grandchild and only granddaughter turned 31. My son turned 48. Yep, April is a big month for celebrations in this family. And oldest grandson is turning 27 next week. And since granddaughter is my height—5' 4"—you can see how tall Adam is—6' 3".

Granddaughter and her hubby and Caroline a few months ago.
Granddaughter and her hubby and Caroline a few months ago.
Son and his wife celebrating 24th wedding anniversary next week also. You can see why I have such beautiful grandsons.
Now on to what else is happening.
First, on monday I got braces on my bottom teeth. Yep, at my age! I cannot tell you how sore my mouth and tongue are. Why, you ask? Well, to save my bottom teeth from shifting any more than they have, which will strengthen them and not lose them as I grow older. I intend to keep every single one of them before I leave this earth, and my dentist and I share the same philosophy. Hence, I've been able to only eat milkshakes for the most part and Dreamsicles. Chewing hurts too badly.
Then this morning I had surgery on my right foot to remove bone from the heel because it was stressing my achilles tendon. I'm in a splint from behind my knee to the tips of my toes. I cannot walk or bear any weight on the right foot for a month. Can we say "ouch"?! Can I please have an "awwww, so sorry for ya"?! I just scoot around on this scooter for a while. I'm not thrilled in case you're wondering. I even have to have help going to the bathroom. Hubby and I will be very, very close for a few weeks.
And speaking of that, what did he decide to cook for dinner???? The fishiest smelling fish in the freezer. I cannot tell you what this house smells like now. I think you can get my drift.
I am heavily padded at the moment, but you cannot keep a blogger down, right? I cannot believe how big my foot and leg look in this photo. Sigh.... Plus it's 6:45 pm at the moment and I'm still paralyzed. It should wear off sometime during the night and the pain will kick in. Sigh...