I made this little pin cushion the other day and decided to sell it. It's adorable and you can see it on my selling blog, La Maison Rose. Very nice price on it also, chicks. But in the mean time read the next installment of the nursery. ;-)
Also in the section with the western cowboy theme is a beach cottage theme across the room . They were working in there that day setting up Christmas displays and asked me to please not go beyond that. I follow directions implicitly since they were kind enough to allow me to take pictures. So I had to get some "long distance" pictures and then only a few.
This little display was in the western section. Notice it has some little indian and old west figures. Charming kind of prim figures. But they were cute and I thought you'd enjoy seeing them.
This little display was in the western section. Notice it has some little indian and old west figures. Charming kind of prim figures. But they were cute and I thought you'd enjoy seeing them.

Here is an old outhouse. I don't know if it's a vintage one or replica and I didn't particularly want to find out! But it's still adorable. I especially like the "reflect" sign hanging on the back of the house. But that bark basket on the left was really stunning if you're into native american themes. Pass the root beer and give me a decorating magazine and I'd probably never leave this little place.

This little "hut" could be a storage shed in my back yard! I love it. One of the workers in the nursery is in the background.

This large Christmas tree was behind the outhouse and is PRETTY BIG. It's decorated with huge signs in the tree, tackle box, canoe, a bucket, gold pine cones and regular pine cones, little houses, a fishing net plus all the regular little glittery bulbs you'd expect to see on a Christmas tree. Just so adorable.

Just one of dozens of chandeliers they have in there in all decorating styles. I thought this was was exceptionally pretty.

One of their decorators caught off guard. ;-) She was very gracious. Here you can see the beach cottage style a bit, but as I said I couldn't go back in there. Lovely blues were peeking out in places though. I think I caught a couple of photos "long distance" however.

A little beach cabana! I would simply love to have this little jewel. It says it will seat 3 but let me tell ya, chicks, there would NOT be 3 of us in there - just me and Love Bunny!!! Truly, I'm going to have to go back there and check out the price on that little cabana. I really love it! Did you notice the little "windows" for privacy?!?!? All sort of nautical items await someone to just drop in and sit down. Nope, wait a second........yep, I can make out the price in my original photo and I don't think hubs will spring for it. *Sigh*..................

Yep, I caught a few items in the beach cottage display through the spaces in there. This lamp reminds me of something my mother would have purchased in the 50s. It's very modern in its design but I can see it in a contemporary house.

This picture right here is for Rhea! I thought of my sweet friend the moment I saw these ceramic dishes in this color. I think she'd be drawn to it. Looks like something the archaeologists would have unearthed in Pompeii. If I had a place for that pot I'd buy it but I'd have to buy hubs another train probably in exchange for it. Ain't happening, chicks! He's gotten 2 new ones in the last 6 months.