First of all let me say my whole expenditures for this magnificent catch yesterday was around $20.00! I had a really fun time finding some of these things.
The little picture below just kept screaming "take me, take me"!! So I did. The picture isn't too inspiring but I do love gazebos and the food frame is worth every scent I spent on it.
The little picture below just kept screaming "take me, take me"!! So I did. The picture isn't too inspiring but I do love gazebos and the food frame is worth every scent I spent on it.

I consider this one of the "finer catches" of the day. A pink and aqua roses (!) wood frame. I think I'm keeping this one instead of putting it on my other selling blog.

I've been looking for a lampshade just exactly like this one to pretty up for so long!! Well, I found it for a SONG yesterday. Doing the "happy dance" over this one!!

Be still my beating heart!!!!!! I collect pitchers - not ordinary ones, but roses and beautiful ones like this! This is not going out the door, but on my shelves. Catch of the day.............

Another darling find. A little holder to put pens and pencils in. Every phone in my home has paper and pencil by it and I have 5 phones in this house. I can answer any phone and have the necessary items to take a note or message by either one of them. I'm NOT one of those people who answer the phone and tell the caller to "wait a minute while I find a pen and paper." Silly idea to NOT have all items next to phone.

This little clock was so cute I couldn't pass it up. I do NOT need another clock in my house so this will go on the website to sell. It reminds me of a french clock. Some of my rooms have 3 clocks in them simply because I cannot pass up lovely clocks. Plus if I have a visitor and want to check the time without looking like I'm "clock watching" I can do it and not be obnoxious about it. Very important to me because I would never want to offend someone in my home by having them think they are boring and I'd want them to leave. Never happen in this chick's home! I find all visitors delightful!

Okay, some little candlesticks for making lovely cake plates and 2 are green which is ever more delightful. And they were very, very cheap!

Okay, these were hard to pass up also. I can use them for storing pretty items - ribbons, buttons, clothespins or just anything I think should be displayed beautifully.

This I agonized over for hours after bringing it home. Keep it, sell it, keep it, sell it, keep it, sell it. I asked my chickees on my group and they helped convince me it needed to be in my home. It is a 10" pink pearlized serving bowl! It is soooo much prettier in person than in the picture. It's gorgeous and I love it so I'm keeping it. It has "embossing" on it and just brings joy to me looking at it.

This tiny plate will probably go on the other blog to sell. It is so cute and just a spectacular deal so it isn't going to be very much money when I sell it. I truly want people to be able to have some beauty in their homes as I do, so this will be affordable and can be used to hang on the wall or a place to store tiny items in your home - say your watch while you are washing dishes or something like that. I have an Old Country Roses dessert plate on the ledge over my sink to hold my little pill box and a book of matches to light candles to fragrance the room and a spoon my hubby puts there during the day so he doesn't have to get a clean spoon every time he drinks his Pero.