By now most of you have become acquainted with my quest to paint gorgeous, if not decent (I'd take this in a heart beat!) roses. I've mentioned that I purchased this 30" star recently and painted it pink. I finally got the rose painted on it. Not quite as I'd like to have done it but passable. I may put some more roses on it. Painting on a pointed star that is three dimensional is rough, chicks! I finally gave up but trust me, the photo of the finished star so far is better than actually seeing it in person.
I tried!
I tried!

Then I tried again. Passable............

Impatient to see it hanging on our garage wall by the front porch, Love Bunny put the screw in the wood and I hung it out.

Can I hear a few hands clapping, please! For fortitude!!!
To answer a few bloggers questions about our gazebo, yes, I'm finished with it for now. It's been too hot to even go outside lately with the daily temperatures exceeding 100° here in the desert. I've hung 4 hanging lanterns I made out of old canning jars and added tea lights but I haven't lit them yet. Faux greenery and mini lights go around the bottom of the dome but haven't sat out there yet to enjoy them. But soon the temperatures will be such that we may be able to sit out at night and if so, I'll get pictures then.

That tree on the left in my neighbor's yard is just 4 years old. Isn't that amazing that it could grow that high in such a short time? The owner offered us a sapling 4 years ago but hubs said no since it grows up to 70 ft. tall.