While visiting with granddaughter and her hubby for Thanksgiving I got this new little toy. Squeeeeeeeeal and eeeeeeeek...for $74.88!! Yesssss, I saved $125.00 on this little jewel. Now, I have no idea how to use it yet but I'm going to learn just as quickly as I can. (Please read random thought at bottom of this post.) It's a Cricut machine and cuts shapes and letters. Love Bunny thought it will benefit him with his model RR train hobby. See my "plot" here?! He even went with me to Joanns in Bellevue to help make sure we got one since they were limited. This is no small feat for this man. He does NOT like shopping for anything other than "guy" things and food. But he drove and stood in lines and dodged insanely bickering women to help me.
The other thing I want to tell you about is something I remember from my youth and hearing grownups talking about movie stars, and then later television stars, being photographed behind gauze. My gauze is purple from a project many years ago so I used fine tulle netting. The idea was that it softened the lines and complexion of stars because they're just like you and me, chicks; they get old, wrinkled and have zits. This is before botox I think.
Anyway, I tried it and it works. Now, this was taken with my iSight webcam and that's a pretty basic camera, although, everyone who talks to me says the picture is great. (I've never seen myself on my own webcam on someone's computer and know nothing about how it looks to them.) It should be; that little puppy cost me $150.00 about 7 years ago! See how soft it looks. It does look like a "film" is over it but remember, I used netting instead of gauze. I think I'll try it on a photo shoot outside soon. Lighting is not the best in this room.
Anyway, I tried it and it works. Now, this was taken with my iSight webcam and that's a pretty basic camera, although, everyone who talks to me says the picture is great. (I've never seen myself on my own webcam on someone's computer and know nothing about how it looks to them.) It should be; that little puppy cost me $150.00 about 7 years ago! See how soft it looks. It does look like a "film" is over it but remember, I used netting instead of gauze. I think I'll try it on a photo shoot outside soon. Lighting is not the best in this room.
Random Thought:
As you may or may not know, we don't watch television. When we visit our kids and if the television is on we'll watch with them for a small time, but it holds no interest at all for us. Never do we watch it at home because it's tucked away in a box and used as a side table. We only bring it out for our grandkids and kids to play games on when they visit. We do not watch because of all the trash on television today. Those of us raised with tv in the 50s and 60s know, but those of you born in the 80s and 90s probably think this trash is the norm. It is NOT. Hence, I'm a bit ignorant about how to pronounce some names and things. For instance, I only heard Jackie Kennedy speak once in my life and I was amazed at her little girl whispery voice. Not something I would have expected her to sound like. Plus that was years after her life as First Lady.
So also I have no clue how to pronounce Cricut. When I walked into Joanns and asked for a Cricut the man said, "Oh, you mean a Cricut" and pronounced it like Cricket. I was pronouncing it like "cry cut" and had no clue. So I don't know how to pronounce Thule. Hubby thinks it's Tulley but I'm wondering if it's Thule like the th in thimble. Can anyone enlighten me on how to pronounce it?

It is pronounced as THULE lol.
ReplyDeleteI do watch tv but also thought the CriCut was pronounced as CryCut duh, just like you do.
Whodavethunk ;)
Hugs from Marian and have a wonderful crafty and healthy New Year Connie.
Wow... You got a great deal on the Cricut. My daughter has one & she loves it. Now you have to get some of the cartriges for it.
ReplyDeleteTV is trash.... we do watch it but since Hubby has such early starts in the mornings we are in bed almost every night by 8pm. So that pretty much wipes out prinetime for us. No loss!! Give me a good book anytime!!
Love your post!!
....I am wishing you Health & Happiness for 2010!!
Happy New Year!
I love your post, and I agree, the television of today is not what it used to be. There are very educational shows and you can select only certain channels to have on your t.v.
ReplyDeleteI think the word you were looking for is tulle, the netting fabric, right? It is pronounced, "tool".
Hope that helps!!
I hope you have fun with your Cricut, I have heard they are wonderful!
Margaret B
I was pronouncing "cry cut" too.... so there, I'm sure the guys hear that everyday! about the other.... i'm not sure. I love your cricut and have never even seen one in person... can't wait to see "what it can do"! I found some gorgeous pink rose fabric in the scrap bin at Hobby Lobby yesterday.... purchased both pieces... and immediately thought of YOU. See, you are inspiring me!
ReplyDelete"tool" is how I have always said it. How are you old enough to have a married granddaughter? I did read that correct, right?? You are so young looking!!
ReplyDeleteI think husband is right - Tulley - I only know this because I heard someone else, who seemed to know, say that.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was Cry cut, too! Who knew? Congratulations on your new Cricut - can't wait to see what you create.
Tulle, hmmm...I think that is a great idea! I think I will have to invest in some, quickly!
Hi Connie...love the machine!! And such great savings!!
ReplyDeleteAs for the Thule...if you go to:
and type in the word and scroll down to where you see the red speaker icon...you can actually HEAR the pronunciation.
I love it for difficult words!!
Happy New Year...
Wow, great find on the Cricut. Ok, no TV!
ReplyDeleteAre you talking about Tulle - the netting? If you are I say it almost like tool but with a little more u sound...but I have heard people call it tooly.
Have fun with your new toy!
Good Morning Sweetie...
ReplyDeleteI love this post. I too am not much of a TV watcher. The grandkids watch it. I could live without it, however I do like the craft shows on cable. I don't get to watch them except maybe on the Fridays I am off.
Oh you are a luck ducky and what a great price on the cricut. I can't wait to see what you make with it.
Happy New Year sweetie.It will be here before we know it. I just cannot imagine the fun we will have in 2010.
Country hugs and so much love sweetie. Thanks for the memories. Sherry
Hi, I have worked in fabric departments for years, and they call it tool with a slight u instead of so much oo...One of your other commenters said the same thing, but I wanted to put in my 2 cents worth...lol
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to the New Year....Hope you are winding down from the rush of Christmas, and hope you and yours enjoy the New Year Celebrations...and the New Year....glenda
Have fun with your Cricut...I LOVE mine! There are sooo many things you can do with it.
ReplyDeleteMy son told me about it and pronounced it "crick-cut" so that's how I say it. He said he saw it on TV. :) And someone told me that "tulle" is pronounced "tool" but with so many of these things, it depends where you're from! ♥
ReplyDeleteOkay... I'm so going to have to see what you come up with - putting the Cricut to work. Need some pink vinyl? The Hobby Center has it! I'm giving you ideas already. lol
ReplyDeleteHave no idea on the pronounciations, that's why things in my head always sound better than out of my mouth.
P.S. Way to handle LB! lol
We usually just watch cable TV where it is interesting decorating, cooking or reruns & history channels ... DH watches FOX NEWS only for news. It is just junk on TV anymore.
ReplyDeleteI have no clue what cricut is ...
TY for all the moments I have been given to share & enjoy with you, Connie, you are a delight.
Have a beautiful & blessed NEW YEAR ... I will be in & out of communication for a couple weeks.
TTFN ~ Marydon
My sister in law had to have one of these Crickets and almost got in a "knock-down-drag-out!" So glad your story had a happy ending! TV...yuck...but for weeks I've been wondering how do you pronounce "cloche?"
My sister-in-law told me all about Cricut in our last telephone conversation. She AND my brother made this year's cards at Christmas time. What a wonderful card they created.
ReplyDeleteAfter our conversation I 'googled' Cricut and read all I could. Then went to Wal-Mart and took a look. If it weren't for my hugh backlog of quilting and knitting, well, and cleaning I'd buy one of these babies in a minute !
Have fun.
I don.t know what they call it, but I looked at one. Might have to get one after I see what you can do with it. I don,t care for TV. Watch a lot of KET, PBS though. Blessings
Well Hi There Sweetie,
ReplyDeleteFirst of all....Luv ur new toy!!!
What a fab deal you got!!!
I'm with you....stuff on the tv's now is mostly all garbage far as I am concerned.
I like you picture. By the way....ur just lovely!!
Love & Prayers,
Gosh I'm lost Connie, I don't even know what Thule is ~ I have heard of Cricut because I've seen the infomercial on HGTV's channel. I am with you on the TV thing, we watch a lot of old movies here and I'm constantly saying they don't make 'em like they used to!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to hear what you do with your Cricut. Have a happy, happy New Year sweet chick!
I am so out of it I have never heard of Cricut or Thule or tule or tool. LOL. I'm so glad you got a great deal and love it. I too, have not a clue to what the evening line up for tv is. We only watch "Antique's Road Show." We have several Andy Griffith's and Little House On the Prairie dvd's, which we watch. TV is not worth watching otherwise. Thank you for your kind words to me today. My MIL has been mean and nasty and now is lying about me. I'm sad, but trying to let it roll off. Alzheimer's is an ugly disease. Thanks for your encouragement. Kathi
ReplyDeleteHi Sweet Miss Connie,
ReplyDeleteJust poping over to wish you & your faimly a very Happy New Year...
Wishing only the best for you...
Lyn xxx
Congrats on your Cricut!!! We both got them this year. Mine is from Michael's and I think it was about the same price during the Black Friday sales. I am so excited but a bit intimidated to actually open it up and use it.
ReplyDeleteI think the word you want is "tulle" and it is pronounced like the word "tool". I checked the dictionary online which is a wonderful tool for spelling, definitions, and word origins.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful New Year.
What a fabulous new toy! I really have no idea what all they do, but I'm always hearing about them, so please keep us updated as to what you and the new toy do. They do look fun and a bit dangerous. LOL!
ReplyDeleteCathy ♥
I had never heard of a thule so I thought you mispelled tulle! Ha-ha! ♥
ReplyDeleteThule is pronounced tooley or thooley. If its Tulle(netting) you're speaking of, then its tool. :)