It's a dreary, rainy day in our part of Idaho today, but I had to get a couple of photos of the trees budding out. I think this means spring is right around the corner!
This is our apple tree. I sure hope we don't get any blight or worms on it this year. Being a "fruit grower" can certainly be frustrating!
This is our quaking aspen tree and my favorite tree in the world. I love to see it quake in a very gentle breeze.
This tree is a Navajo willow in our neighbor's yard and is only 6 years old. It grows faster and looks like it'd be hard to kill also. Several grow in our neighborhood because they're fast growing and we need shade here badly in the summer time.
Now, what do sheets have to do with this post? Well, I'm gonna tell ya, chicks.
On my granddaughter's Facebook page she talked about how I cleaned her stove top on the last visit and how she didn't even know the knobs came off for cleaning. Her mother—my daughter—was amazed at what she didn't know. That got on the subject of folding fitted sheets. Daughter said she was the best fitted sheet folder in the world. I said, "Au contraire, I am the best." So here I am to prove it to people on her Facebook page and I'll be directing them here to prove it. And yes, I do buy French sheets for our bed! I love soft linens to sleep on.
And speaking of the French, I read an article recently that a mayor in France had a bust of Marianne in a traditional Phrygian cap removed because her breasts were too large. I take exception to that. As a well-endowed woman I believe I speak for many women when I say: at least ours are real. How could he be so judgmental about something like that? We who are born that way rarely ever flaunt our chests. I certainly don't! Ridiculous man.
Our apple blossom is just beginning to come out, and I love it! We have a dozen trees, and when they are all out it looks like fairyland! Very pink, Connie.
ReplyDeleteConnie your folded sheets do look beautiful! I wish you would show us how you fold them. The thing I hate about sheets today is they wrinkle so badly! I feel like I need to iron them! Do you know of good quality sheets that don't come out of the dryer a wrinkled mess? And the more one pays for sheets the more they wrinkle! I can remember years ago when my mom was so excited when wrinkle free sheets came on the market. What happened to them? Would love to hear any advice you have on this subject. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteDarlene from Calif.
Love the tree pictures! It has gone from rain, freezing rain, sleet, and back to freezing rain all in one day here in Michigan and not one tree has a bud on it yet. I am anxiously awaiting my spring, but not anxious for the hot summer. I hope you are having a great day! Love the sheets too! I am not a good folder of sheets and I know it.
ReplyDeleteConnie...I need step by step pictures! Have struggled for years with fitted sheets (now I revert to the *fold *fold *whip arms in circles like a bad 70's dance). Voila...terribly folded sheets. I NEED YOUR HELP!! : )
ReplyDeleteLicks & Wags, Niki
I am a terrible fitted sheet folder! How about a tutorial, my friend?
Hey Connie! I would love to have some fruit trees especially some with such pretty blossoms. Well honey, I'm getting your bad weather here today. We're under a tornado watch and I can hear the thunder rolling now.
ReplyDeleteI love good sheets. I'm talking love and am really picky about them. I don't remember exactly when I learned to fold a fitted sheet. I didn't realize that it was so hard for so many until I was folding my MIL's sheets and she said she never did learn how to fold a fitted sheet. Who knew, that I knew something other people didn't. ha-ha.
Hugs...Tracy :)