Okay, chicks, it wasn't pretty! I've giving you fair warning now.
We left Idaho for northern California on tuesday last. This is Oregon for those of you who think it's all lush and green. Au contraire! It was snowing, cold and windy through the eastern deserts of Oregon. And this is what we saw for about 200 miles: sand, sagebrush and horizon to the mountains.
We left Idaho for northern California on tuesday last. This is Oregon for those of you who think it's all lush and green. Au contraire! It was snowing, cold and windy through the eastern deserts of Oregon. And this is what we saw for about 200 miles: sand, sagebrush and horizon to the mountains.
Update on son.
You can see this picture of him taken on 4/18, which was 2 weeks after his beating. While there I took him to emergency because his leg—the one operated on 3/9—was hurting him and they thought the "beaters" had re-injured his leg. He goes back to ortho on wednesday 4/22 to see if it is, in fact, injured more after the beating. His vision is still cloudy but the left eye has sustained some trauma. That eye pupil is now oval instead of round as it should be and makes him susceptible to detached retina and more susceptible to glaucoma in the future. His vision is like looking through a cloud and left eye is worse. This can go away and we're needing prayers that it does. His left eye isn't as wide open as his right. The bruising is subsiding but still visible after 2 weeks. He is still in pain in the head. Police haven't gotten the guys in custody yet. I know this takes a while so I'm not too concerned. Son still does not remember talking to me the day after this occurred. Most of his memory is vague on the beating and he would like to see the surveillance video but hasn't seen it yet.
My daughter and I went to southern California on thursday last. It was Thelma and Louise (I've never seen the movie, but it's what I think the movie was about.) We've set the Golden State freeway (I-5) and a certain McDonalds back 50 years.
As usual we ate our way from northern Calif. through to southern Calif. Potty stop at McDs also caused a certain "stir" among the diners.
Daughter had to potty badly as she never stops drinking! We stop at a McDs and when we walk in running with our legs crossed there was a sign on the women's room door and door jamb saying it was out of order. Daughter, being the brat she is, opens the door to the men's room shouting "woman coming through!" A man yells that there are men in there but nuuuuuuuuu, DD didn't let that stop her. She told him he doesn't have anything she hasn't seen before and kind of shields her face with her hand to give the guy at the urinal a bit of privacy. (?) *Sigh*..............
She runs to the only stall, opens it, goes in, turns and puts her purse on the door hanger, turns around and there is a guy sitting on the toilet with his jeans around his ankles looking at her. (I'm on the outside of the door hearing all this and trying not to wet my pants.) She says "oops" and grabs purse and runs to the door and just about knocks me on my bottom. There is no way we would have made it to another rest stop so we ripped the "out of order" sign on the women's door and door jamb and go in. The floor is filthy with over run toilet "garbage" and the toilets are stopped up but we HAD to go and go THEN! We relieved ourselves and I washed my hands. I didn't even bother to flush as there .................. well, you can get the picture. I turned on the hand dryer and DD has a fit because then we can't hear if the men have left the men's room. We waited for it to turn off and then peeked out to see if they were there. Coast is clear so we march out of the women's room and RUN to the exit door before we get recognized and stopped. I got outta that place as fast as I could. Needless to say, we didn't trash the women's room any more than it was trashed. I felt filthy after that.
DD asked why any man would not lock the stall door and I said I doubt he thought a 5'11" woman was going to crash in on him! I think the poor guy is still traumatized at that experience.
It took us 6 1/2 hours to get from northern Calif. to my son's house in southern Calif. The drive back was 8 hours. *Sigh*.................
Okay, we have a GPS in my car and hubby spend the better part of an hour setting it for me and DD to not lose our way.............. We lost our way back!! We ended up in the desert northeast of Riverside. I told DD that this was looking vaguely familiar to where we lived 40 years ago—the Calif. desert. When I saw the "Hesperia" exit sign I knew we were waaaaaaay off track. I had a sneaking suspicion before that but DD said Nuuuuuuuuuu, we're on target. She's lucky to be alive but I'm gonna shoot the voice in the GPS for not telling us to turn off of the 215 onto the 210. I can't repeat what DD said she was going to do to the 'Ho' in the GPS! Her words, not mine. I don't use that kind of language.
Anyway, I thought you'd like to see some roses blooming in her yard. Her hubby picked this one and brought it in for her. The pink ones are blooming on the bush on her deck as you can see from the last picture.
Hubs was glad to see we made it back when we arrived at her house. He was at a convention and couldn't go down with us and son didn't want him to miss the convention so it was just the two of us: Thelma and Louise. Only we survived! *Sigh*...................
I think I'm still traumatized from the trip so I'll go rest now. *Sigh*................
ReplyDeleteI saw your son's photo on Rose Haven prayer list and it made me cry. He looked like a tank had ran over him. What an awful thing to happen. Your trip story is hysterical. And I have been to that side of Oregon and it looks just like my home desert town. Today it is like 80 and I am already getting cranky. I will keep your son in prayer. I have a new prayer journal...it was a Sunday message from God...when I asked what I could do to please Him...start a prayer journal and pray things through from start to finish. So I got a note book and after the babies go home I am going to list as many prayer requests as I can remember....yes God I see why this will be a better way to pray!
Take care...
Roberta Anne...the Raggedy Girl
Mom - Ok, let me correct something. The guy on the toilet DID NOT utter a word as I interrupted his "morning sabbatical". Not "excuse me", not "hey lady", not "occupado", NOTHING! And what man doesn't lock the stall door? Of course, he probably never thought a woman would enter the men's room...........
ReplyDeleteWell, I am glad you are home safe and sound! Nan can sure turn the McDonald's on it's head! too funny.
Oh Connie! I'm absolutely wetting my pants reading this! So funny and I can just picture Nan doing the boy's potty thing.
ReplyDeleteSo funny and it must have been fun, too! I want to go on your next vacation with you. K??
Aunt May's Cottage
Oh my gosh! Crazy story. Hilarious and crazy LOL. I'm so glad your son is getting better and that you got to see him.
ReplyDeleteAll the best,
OHMYGOSH! This potty story is hilarious! And I've got a few potty stories of my own but nothing this hilarious! Your daughter sounds like a LOT OF FUN! YEEHAW! Glad ya'll made it back safe and sound and none worse for the wear...although I bet you wanted to take a shower after the "extreme gross-ness" at McD's!
ReplyDeleteI am glad your son is doing better and that we were able to hear an update!
HAHAHAHAHA I thought I had heard it all but this post "takes the cake". I am "cracking up over this" and I know it could only have happened to you and your daughter. HAHAHAHA I hope I can quit laughing to sleep tonight.
ReplyDeleteYour son does look better for sure but the issues don't sound very good. I wish the cops would take those guys under custody to keep them off the street.
Does your son worry about them knowing where he lives? Are the police going to patrol around his home? I hope so. I'll continue to pray for him and the family.
Connie, First let me say that I found your blog a week or so back and have been waiting and watching for when you updated about your son's condition. My heart and prayers are with him and your family. He's a HERO in my book! Please tell him for, not just me, but I'm sure a whole bunch of us out here!
ReplyDeleteNow I just have to say that your post about the trip had me laughing so hard that hubby and son had to come in to see what was going on! ...and I must say that I so needed something to laugh about! Life isn't easy alot of times, and today wasn't a good one ... so thank you for the story of your trip! It brought laughter (not at your or DD's expense in any way!) and made my day! (: Vicki
Oh Connie you and your DD are a kick!!! I was laughing out loud so hard Hubby wanted to know what was up! We both had a good laugh...together! When I was at a concert with my three daughters a couple years ago, the womens bathroom was in the same fix and yes, tons of us women filed in on the men! One becomes brave when you have daughters with ya and laughing so hard, right Connie! LOL!
ReplyDeleteWhat a handsome son you have! Bless his heart foor all those he has gone through. I will keep him in my prayers!
Love ya sweetie!
Hello Connie, well you got me ROTFL, what a riot and why am I not surprised? Thanks for the laugh! Roses are beautiful! Glad you made it back home safe and sound.
ReplyDeleteLove ya, Shirl
SHirls Rose Cottage
Oh, I am laughing so hard about the McDonald's bathroom stop!! What a great sitcom your trip would make! I was almost ready to go to bed until I read that, and now, I'm afraid I'm up for at least an hour, because I can't quit laughing about that man in the stall! (Are you sure you're not making this up?)!! Too, too funny! I've been praying for your son, and my prayers for him will continue. I pray that he has a complete recovery from this. laurie
ReplyDeleteHi Connie...
ReplyDeleteGlad that you survived your wild road trip... that was some story! Really love those rose photos... so Beautiful... Please know that I'm keeping your son and your entire family in my prayers... Thinking of you...
God bless...
~hugs 'n prayers~Pearl
April ~ AUTISM Awareness Month~
First, so glad your son is doing better. You've all been in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteSecond, next time you go on a road trip, I want to come! Sounds like a hoot! I'll bet that poor guy in the stall doesn't go again for a month!
Oh. My. Gosh!!!!
ReplyDeleteI think I'd be shocked too if a woman came barging into my stall! lol I can't believe that... wow. You're right, he probably is tramatized for the rest of his life. It's like the butcher knife silhouette scene from Psycho. lol
If anybody can pull off a true 'Thelma and Louise' trip, it'd be you! lol Glad you made it out of the desert on your own, that is, without the help of buzzards!
Hi Ethel! First, tell Nan to stop "drinking"!! Wish I could have been there with you! I kept expecting you to say that one of you slipped in the mire!! Keith is looking much better, thank goodness. I'll keep him in my prayers, especially that his eye & leg will continue to improve, & that there will NEVER be any permanent or future damage. Glad you are back home safely!
ReplyDeleteLove you,
Angelic Accents
The scene in the men's room is priceless! Yes, there are things money cannot buy and the laugh you gave me was wonderful!!!! I can just picture this! When you gotta go, you gotta go - regardless!!!!
ReplyDeleteYour son is a very handsome man. It is so troubling that after all of this time, he looks as he does. I cannot get over this whole scenario. A terrible, terrible shame. I'm so glad you got to see him, and for the memories you and your daughter made in the process. Thanks for a good laugh. I needed that!!!
Oh my gosh...that is tooo funny! I've gone into the mens room before too...good thing no one was in there!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you made it back safe and sound! Your son will still be in my prayers...thank you so much for the update!
Oh that Nan, what are we going to do with her? When a girls got to go, she's GOT TO GO. Hey it was probably the the most excitement Mc Ds has seen in years! Glad you are all home safely.
ReplyDeleteThanks for a good laugh and most of all I'm so glad your son is doing better.I stop now and them to check on how he is doing. I have him in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOODNESS!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are Nan are a RIOT! I laugh so hard about your POTTY trip! Oh Man..what a picture that must have been! Too cute!
Glad you had a good time!
Oh Connie, I can't stop laughing, what a story! I'm glad you got to see your son, and he's in my daily prayers. The roses are so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteConnie sweet? You sure can tell a story missy! : )
ReplyDeleteAnd I am so glad you got to go to CA, have a great tome with your girl and see that boy of yours. he has been in so many prayers...and will continue to be.
Love to you,