First of all, I have to mention this sweet little chick who is having a fantastic giveaway: Jenny! Just visit with her and you'll be entered! I'm so thrilled I could kiss a pig.......on with the show now. ;-) Thank YOU, Jenny!!!
I recently received an email from a sweet lady who wanted me to blog about my old job–telling about it and posting pictures. I don't have any pictures. Remember, this was 17 years ago that I left that job and we did not have digital cameras then and I certainly didn't take pictures at work. But I'll tell you a little bit about it.
It's a very large Fortune 500 company and when I quit to move to Idaho it was among the top 6o of Fortune 500 companies. I was the highest paid woman and I absolutely loved working for them. We were the west coast office and when I went to work for them in the late 70s we'd just started working with computers. I was very good at what I did. That's where I learned to love computers. I retired from there and moved to Idaho and decided to stay home. I know things in life have a reason for being and we've found ours. We joined a church but that's a whole different story. Just suffice to say I loved the career I had there and the company was very good about standing by its women.
We were not a "picture taking" family ever. I know, I know, that's terrible but if you knew the trouble I had with cameras when you had to load it with film, you'd understand. It wasn't pretty, I tell ya. Yessss, digital cameras were not even on the horizon then I think. See what you younger generations have that we didn't!! I do have some from our early days of marriage though and I might post about our travels and places we've lived. But that will be for another day. Actually, I loved her suggestion; it's just that I didn't have any pictures to share from the job. Plus I don't want to name the company publicly as it might just embarrass them knowing I blogged about them. Those close to me heard what happened when I put on the posting about the very ill man in California but I digress and that is a situation I definitely want to forget. *Sigh*..............
Freedom to do as I please is the greatest reason and reward for me staying home. I have more freedom than at any other time in my life. I've never been BUSIER but it's my time to do with as I please and I absolutely love it.
I'm fanatic about my home being clean. I joke about how dirty it is but that's not the norm in this household. Most things sparkle. I don't like waking up to a dirty kitchen. After the computer/office/painting room, the kitchen gets the most usage. If it's not clean I don't function well at all. Yep, OCD in its finest form! Hubs says I'm way too fanatical but that has kept me off the "condemned house" list for 48 years so I've got to go with what I do best, chicks, and keeping my home from being declared a disaster area is high on my priority list.
Just look at that sink. Have you seen anything sparkle that much everrrRRRRRR?? Hmmmm. USMC standards! Spit shine!
I recently received an email from a sweet lady who wanted me to blog about my old job–telling about it and posting pictures. I don't have any pictures. Remember, this was 17 years ago that I left that job and we did not have digital cameras then and I certainly didn't take pictures at work. But I'll tell you a little bit about it.
It's a very large Fortune 500 company and when I quit to move to Idaho it was among the top 6o of Fortune 500 companies. I was the highest paid woman and I absolutely loved working for them. We were the west coast office and when I went to work for them in the late 70s we'd just started working with computers. I was very good at what I did. That's where I learned to love computers. I retired from there and moved to Idaho and decided to stay home. I know things in life have a reason for being and we've found ours. We joined a church but that's a whole different story. Just suffice to say I loved the career I had there and the company was very good about standing by its women.
We were not a "picture taking" family ever. I know, I know, that's terrible but if you knew the trouble I had with cameras when you had to load it with film, you'd understand. It wasn't pretty, I tell ya. Yessss, digital cameras were not even on the horizon then I think. See what you younger generations have that we didn't!! I do have some from our early days of marriage though and I might post about our travels and places we've lived. But that will be for another day. Actually, I loved her suggestion; it's just that I didn't have any pictures to share from the job. Plus I don't want to name the company publicly as it might just embarrass them knowing I blogged about them. Those close to me heard what happened when I put on the posting about the very ill man in California but I digress and that is a situation I definitely want to forget. *Sigh*..............
Freedom to do as I please is the greatest reason and reward for me staying home. I have more freedom than at any other time in my life. I've never been BUSIER but it's my time to do with as I please and I absolutely love it.
I'm fanatic about my home being clean. I joke about how dirty it is but that's not the norm in this household. Most things sparkle. I don't like waking up to a dirty kitchen. After the computer/office/painting room, the kitchen gets the most usage. If it's not clean I don't function well at all. Yep, OCD in its finest form! Hubs says I'm way too fanatical but that has kept me off the "condemned house" list for 48 years so I've got to go with what I do best, chicks, and keeping my home from being declared a disaster area is high on my priority list.
Just look at that sink. Have you seen anything sparkle that much everrrRRRRRR?? Hmmmm. USMC standards! Spit shine!

Now, dust is an entirely different animal; dust does NOT bother me in any way, shape or form. Dust is my friend. It helps me to realize that some things in this world just are what they are. And dust is dust! It's part of the elements of the earth. Earthy?!?! I'm just helping Al Gore to save the planet by not disturbing it. Doing my part, chicks!! ;-)

Yes, I do sinks. Love Bunny wipes his side of the sink faucets off every single morning without fail. He's proud of his home and wants it to look nice.

Every morning I look in this mirror and see an aging face. I truly feel sorry for women and men who think they need plastic surgery to feel beautiful or keep a partner or hubby. Love Bunny and I have grown up and grown old together. Some mornings I ask him how he could love someone who is getting old and wrinkled and getting brown spots on the hands and back and he has always told me he just remembers me coming down the stairs in my wedding dress 47+ years ago. That's all it takes for me..........ok, well, a little Oil of Olay facial treatments, wrinkle cream, and eye puffer upper! But this is the first thing I see in the mornings–my mirror.

Since our kids have left home over 25 years I thought we'd have less laundry. Nuuuuu, we have more laundry for some reason. I do more laundry than most women because I'm a clean freak. But I'm not too keen on washing more than once a week or so and I told hubs that we're buying more underwear so I don't have to wash so much. He agreed but said he couldn't get any more underwear in his drawers so I stopped and just wash now about every 9 days.

I may a 12 year old Maytag washer and dryer and love it. I have been known to leave the clothes in the washer so long they've dried in there. I try to watch it now but sometimes I just get busy with the computers or crafting or sewing and forget about housework altogether.

The first thing I do after leaving the bedroom is open my family room blinds, then the patio blinds and then the living room blinds. I like light in my home but it's a dark house because of the north facing front and a huge covered porch.

My headboard is supposed to get a coat of white paint soon but it's getting too cold to paint outside so I may have to wait till it's warmer. I want my pine bedroom set white. It has little appliques already on it and will look adorable when I'm through.

My bed has to be made every single day and if for some reason it's neglected in the morning, we'll make it before we get in it at night. This frustrates hubs but I CANNOT get into a bed that isn't made properly. Taut and tight corners are a must!!!

This garden tub came with the house. I would not have put it in but Love Bunny likes a soak every once in a while so it's there for him. I use the shower unless I'm going to shave my legs and then I sit on the little seat on this tub and do that job.

Our array of shampoos, conditioners, soaps, facial cleaners, washcloths, Olay body shampoo, razors and net scrubber and pumice stone for the feet. Really does help, chickees.

Now wasn't that just tooooo excitin' for ya?! Just goes to show ya tha ya never know what I'll put up on here. Hah........ More coming up in the coming weeks.
Another nice tour of your home Connie. I so agree about dust, but do have a panic when the sun shines and picks it out with a duster!
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Connie... What a great tour of your sparkly clean house... I have the same thing with especially the bed being made ... nice tight sheets to sleep on... Thanks for the interesting post... Have a great day.
Oh, I'm not quite with you on the neat and tidy thing. I aspire to be someday, right now it's as they say "shoveling snow". That doesn't mean I don't try every now and again.
ReplyDeleteTightly tucked beds! Yes, another person besides me love the cacoon feeling of shuffling down into the covers.
I admire your career, both past and present!
I loved the home tour. I too lean to OCD and cannot walk through a room without picking up anything that doesn't belong. I too must have a made bed and can thank my hubby for making it every morning. I live in the high desert so dust is just a country home accent around here. I am going to try and read back in your blog this afternoon as I love how you write. I also left a big paying corporate job to stay home. We share many of the same things.
ReplyDeleteRoberta Anne
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the pictures of your home. You know the more I read your blog and when you comment on my blog you and I could be best friends. We have so much in common. I just think there would be a problem in RS I would be laughing so hard that we would get kicked out. I love your since of humor. You just brighten my days. Hugs, Bobbi Jo
Hi Connie... I haven't fogotten you... I'm still working on a post about your "magical" nursery.... it'll be ready real soon! ;)
Hey connie! I hope you and yours had a good Thanksgiving. I'm just trying to catch up with all I've missed and it's been a lot.
ReplyDeleteI also made a decision to stay home when I married my hubby, and I am also much busier then when I worked. Who knew being a domestic diva/goddess would require this much effort? lol!
Connie ~ I just love this post because it is so much fun to get to know the ladies that we visit daily on our blogs ~
ReplyDeleteI am a kitchen and bed fanatic too ~ otherwise I seem to do crafts all over the place so it is hard to keep it tidy all of the time ~
Thank you for the fun pictures !
Hey Connie; I think we might have the same genes. lol you sound just like me really!!! hey you could be my long lost sister, older one that is.. ha ha I hope you are laughing.... soooooo are you?? you have a lovely home, your hubs should talk to my hubs about the wiping off the sink....
Your house sure does sparkle and that's wonderful...I have to tell ya that I function better too when my home is clean...I don't know why.... but I feel like everything's out of control if the house gets all messy. So I know where you're coming from on housework. I just feel so much better about everything when things are clean.
ReplyDeleteHoney, your bedroom furniture is gonna look gorgeous painting white...with the's gonna be shabby chic for sure...I can't wait to see it!