My life is to make everything around me beautiful.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hubs Has Struck Again!

We're supposed to start our remodel of the wall separating the kitchen from the living room probably next week. I can hardly contain myself!! Suuuuuure....... I am so NOT looking forward to a week or two of dust, taking everything off the plant shelves, walls, covering everything with dust cloths and having my home in dissssssssssaray!! Yep, it just makes me wanna quiver with excitement and anticipation, chicks!

Caution! This is NOT a pretty story!!
Has this ever happened to you?

We contracted with a concrete curbing company to come and put some edging around certain areas of our front yard. We had to turn off the automatic sprinklers for 2 days so it would be dry for them when they came. Now, that might not sound like a big deal but in this desert heat it can definitely burst your bubble! They were to come today at about 1 pm.

I spent the morning being busy as usual - running to post office, bank, WM and then ironing. When I got home the company called and said they wouldn't be able to do it because of the rain. RAIN?!?!?! It sprinkled in my back yard.....sprinkled - maybe 5 drops!! Well, nothing to do but adjust and accept it.

I've been antsy to prime and paint the little wood chairs I picked up at World Market about 3 weeks ago but didn't have time. So after dinner I decide to go out back while hubs is blowing the leaves off the front porch and then washing the tables out there. We had a lot of dust with the wind blowing today. I set up the chair on a table that I had covered with my drop cloth and started spraying the oil-based primer and it's looking pretty danged good, chicks. I'm puffing up proud!

Then I come in to check on Love Bunny and he's in his model train room in the garage. I don't think much about it and turned around to come back in and look outside and the back sprinklers are spraying all over my just primed chair!!! I scream for him to turn the water off. He says, "What were you doing spraying in the wind?" I tell him I just wanted to get something going on those chairs and didn't care about the wind. He asked what I thought he was doing under the model RR train layout. I said I didn't know! He's always under there. He said he was turning the sprinklers back on. He gets excited and I'm telling him he needs to lighten up and chuckle more. I'm not upset about the chair. Water won't KILL it for crying out loud! I seldom get upset about things like that. I just smile and take it in stride. Now, other things might upset me a lot but not this. So he tells me to bring it under the patio cover. I go out into the yard and pick it up under the seat because that's the only spot I didn't paint and gently carry it to the patio. As you can see from the photo below it looks fine and I doubt we'll have any problem, but what a shock to see water spraying all over the chair I had primed just 2 minutes before! And he didn't even help me put it down!!!!!!


  1. Oh no!!! I would have freaked out too.

    I have been like you and didn't care the wind was blowing when I was spray painting. But the next day I went outside and saw little white specks of paint all over the fence. Good thing we are planning on replacing it.


  2. Oh Dear!!!! Glad you were able to see the funny side of all of this Connie! Take care in all that heat

  3. How funny. It must just be those Va boys cause it sounds just like something my hubby would do to me!!
    Only I would probably not handle it as well as you did.LOL!!

    Looks as if the chair survived a little shower though!! Looks great!

    Happy painting!

  4. Oh the little chair will be beautiful reguardless. Wow! it was kinda touch and go there for a while. I'm glag you let hubby know there wasn't a problem. They hate being the cause of bloopers and blunders, but you made him feel better. You're a good chick Connie. Deb

  5. OMG...Connie, I'm laughing here at work!!! That would be something Glenn would have done too! And somehow it would have ended up being my fault...oh!

    Take care in that heat...yuck. We finally got some relief here.


  6. LOL I was laughing also....I did something like that once..except with RED paint & it was awful close to HIS motorcyle!!!! The wind was blowing & I wasnt paying attention....But Thank God it didnt get on his motorcyle..ekkkk I would have been in a DOG HOUSE!!!
    We did laugh about it later..
    Your white chairs looks darling sweets!
    Its SO HOT here...I ran errands this AM & came back outside chairs for me by golly!
    Thank goodness we have a NEW AC:)

  7. That's a funny story Connie, never a dull moment! Your new plants look good, and wow, look at those vegies! Please put my name in the giveaway, I'll be out of town a few days. Good luck with the "curb guys"!

  8. Hi Connie.... just think about the beautiful results, and you'll see how wonderful it will feel! :)



  9. Oh dear...a rough time of it for sure! I would have hollered too if the water came on after priming.

    I think you take it much easier than I do...I'm taking lessons from you!


  10. Oh! I am so glad the water didn't damage that cute chair! You tell such great stories!!

  11. Well I guess your chair will be shabby chiced, thanks to the help of hubby LOL! He was just secretly wanting to help you decorate! Also, about the comment you left me~ I think you should take pic's of your neighborhood/town I'd love to see Idaho!

  12. Hey I spray paint in the wind all the time, until I noticed my coffee up and cell phone cover white. And the chair I moved so it would not get paint on it, which the wind blew on it any way. So now I am a little more careful. But still spray in the wind. Hope all goes well with you wall redo. Hang in there.


  13. Oh my gosh! the chair is adorable though ~ I love reading your posts ,I always smile !Hey connie I've missed ya , come by and click on the link on my blog!!!


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