Another Pink Saturday from Beverly at How Sweet The Sound. To visit all the participants, just click on the logo below and go visit with them.

More up-close shots of roses around my house. I set the camera to close-up and zeroed in pretty close. I had my flash on. This is what the Canon can do. Love that camera. Love the roses more though. ;-)

More up-close shots of roses around my house. I set the camera to close-up and zeroed in pretty close. I had my flash on. This is what the Canon can do. Love that camera. Love the roses more though. ;-)

This is my coffee filter rose so close I can even see the glue on it. Hmmm, must remember to pick off those strands.

Random Thoughts:
I'm probably one of the few out of billions of people who didn't watch the royal wedding and, actually, haven't even been following it or caught up in the glitz of it. I'm not a royal follower. I did see a picture of her in her dress this morning when I came in to read my morning news on the internet though and I must say she was lovely. Her dress was simple but gorgeous. I've always thought Diana's dress was the ugliest wedding gown I'd ever seen. Oh, do NOT get me wrong. Diana was a lovely woman, but I don't think her style came through until years later. I most certainly wish the couple happiness, but I pity her for marrying a future king. They traditionally have mistresses and I know I couldn't share my hubby with anyone. I want commitment from my man and want to be the only woman in his life. I want someone to marry me who thinks I'm his queen and will remain faithful in this life and the next. And I did marry one.
A few weeks ago I read where Chicago banned homemade lunches and chocolate milk in their schools. Easter eggs are now called Spring Spheres. How silly is this and where will the insanity stop? My lunches from home were better fare than what came out of the cafeteria. Plus, I hate milk, but love hot chocolate. My kids went mostly to private schools just for this reason. My son took an English class and was taught by a Mexican woman who spoke to the kids in Spanish! He couldn't understand her so I got him out of that class as fast as I could make the phone call. That's when I decided to send them to private schools. He now speaks Spanish fluently, but that was after he learned proper English.
I also read a few days ago that calling animals "pets" is insulting. WHAT??? I know how most of you feel about your animals, but calling them pets is not insulting. That's what they are. Fur children is what my daughter calls her 3 cats and 2 dogs and she loves them more than ME! Insanity.
Did you know fingerprints are just friction ridges? Yep, that's what the experts call them.
A father's duty is to protect his children, right after loving their mother. I cannot tell you how sad I feel for those without their fathers. And that is increasing in this age of promiscuity. If a man loves you he will want to make you his wife and have you bear his children.
I think you've had enough of my ramblings for one day. Ooooh, I'm getting better day by day with this foot surgery. ;-)