Happy Pink Saturday. Go visit the participants and be delighted with all the pinkness your heart can bear!

I'm healing nicely from the fall/flip I took at the end of August and am through with the physical therapy. Well, not really through exercising, but insurance would only pay for 8 weeks so hubby and I spent the afternoon shopping at the local sports store, and I picked up a couple of things to help me PT here at home.
And speaking of home, I want to show you some of my absolute favorite rooms. These are rooms I love and will love until the day I die.
I love French and English elements in decorating, but I love shabby romantic roses mostly. Throw in a bit of French and I'm in heaven. I like this living room.

I'm healing nicely from the fall/flip I took at the end of August and am through with the physical therapy. Well, not really through exercising, but insurance would only pay for 8 weeks so hubby and I spent the afternoon shopping at the local sports store, and I picked up a couple of things to help me PT here at home.
And speaking of home, I want to show you some of my absolute favorite rooms. These are rooms I love and will love until the day I die.
I love French and English elements in decorating, but I love shabby romantic roses mostly. Throw in a bit of French and I'm in heaven. I like this living room.

I was into country about 25 years ago, but not so much now. But this living room is one I could live it. It's very romantic with the roses sofa and y'all know my favorite color combination is red/pink and yellow. That sofa is my sofa, just with different fabric.

This bedroom just appeals to me also even though it has elements of country. It's still very much romantic and kind of shabby.

But THIS is my all time favorite living room. When I saw this in the Ethan Allen magazine about 17 years ago, my heart did flip flops. If I could achieve this look, I know I'd be in heaven. I cannot tell you how much I love and adore this room. To me it is just warm, snugly, homey and comfortable.

This is the dining room that goes with the above living room. Do you see what I mean? Is it not gorgeous? Oooh, how I love to look at these pictures and dream about being in that living room and dining room

Lastly, I've had this fabric for several years and have never used it. I've given up making pillows to sell so if anyone is interested in it, it's on eBay and it's 2 full yards at a very good price. I love it but I know I'll never use it or make anything with it. So with the Christmas season coming up, I thought I'd let you know in case you're interested. Here is the URL for it: