It's a beautiful snowy day here. Snowed about 8", hubs went out to shovel at 8 am and at noon we had the sidewalk and driveway packed with another 2". It was grand. Of course, I'm not going out in it. I think I need to buy hubs a snow blower, but not today.
I call this photo "Roses in the Snow." It's just your eye candy for the day. I'll have more soon but I'm so caught up in reading I haven't been doing much crafting lately, which is weird but I'm just being lazy. :-)
I call this photo "Roses in the Snow." It's just your eye candy for the day. I'll have more soon but I'm so caught up in reading I haven't been doing much crafting lately, which is weird but I'm just being lazy. :-)

This little sachet was a gift several years ago. It kept its rose fragrance for a very, very long time. I've kept it and scented it again with rose fragrance and just can't throw something so gorgeous away.
Cream of Wheat! Tasted scrumptious when lots of sweetener and butter in it.

This shot does NOT show off his bum to full effect. He's got a great bum but those insulated coveralls make him look like an old man.