Okay, now don't gag or retch, chicks, but this old pair of shoes is my favorite flat pair of shoes. These are size 8 1/2 M so why am I now wearing 9 1/2 -10 W? They still fit but they are absolutely falling apart. Sole, insides, toes. Hubs said they've given up the ghost and to just bury them. They've always been bright candy apple red but I had to paint them with shoe color about 10 years ago because polishing wouldn't do it anymore. They're about 25 years old. Macy's, of course! I wish I could find another pair like them but I can't. None that fit the toes as well as these. I think I'm going to cry........ Excuse me while I go grieve a bit.
Back........I wonder if I saved the heel could I put it on another shoe? Hmmmmm, I've been having "separation" issues here I know. I would put clip on bows on them and ............okay, okay, time to let go.

Okay, I took the new pair of high heels I ordered and that finally fit and jazzed them up a bit with some vintage millinery roses. While they don't even come close in comparison to the shoes below I'm happy with them. It's been sooooooo long since I've worn a pair of heels so let's hope I don't kill myself on sunday when I wear them to church. I shall also make some ribbon clip ons for these shoes. I may do a black ribbon but I'm going to have several different colors to go on this shoe so it'll change the look without buying any more shoes. What?!!?!? Did I actually say that?!?!?! I must be getting sick or something.........

I was looking for some clips for shoes recently and came across these handmade shoes. Are they not incredible?!?!?! Squeeeeeeeeal. If I wore heels a lot—and I don't— I'd buy these in a heartbeat. They're designed and made by a woman in England who obviously has a lot of talent. Although I can't "make" shoes like she does, I can at least take a hint and froufrou them up with some bows, vintage millinery roses and such. So that's what I did with the above shoes. See what we can do to save money. Fix up an old pair of comfy shoes.
Are these simply adorable or what?! I love these shoes. The right one looks different than the left one. Clever, huh?

Bows and flowers.
Are these simply adorable or what?! I love these shoes. The right one looks different than the left one. Clever, huh?

Bows and flowers.

Looks like a silk kimono.

These are one of my favorites. Look at how red they are. And those bows??? Whooooaaaa, just adorable!

These are my favorite I think. Just kinda flirty and sassy. Too high for me though. *Sigh*...................

I love these bows but dragging them on the ground would get them awfully dirty in a short time, so I think I'd make them a bit shorter for the shoes I may do something with. We'll see.

Fun for valentines day or a first date. Would he just faint all over ya with these on, chicks?!?! Yesssssssssssss...........

I truly don't know how women walk in these mules but these are cute. I'm be sitting on my backside if I tried this one though. ;-)

And these???? Look at that stitching. These look almost like a tropical shoe—something you'd wear to a formal luau. ;-)

I've never seen such fabrics as she uses. Gorgeous! Now just eat your heart out. These are the cutest shoes I've ever seen made by hand and a woman.

This woman knows what a woman wants! I adore these shoes.
Now if you want some "no limit on the price shoes" then you might want a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes. His shoes usually run from a few hundred dollars to $2,000.00 and let me tell you there aren't many at the lower end! I'd say most of them are in the higher price range of several hundred dollars. But these little beauties are $6,300.00 and he's only making 3 dozen of them. Better hurry while you can get them. Oooooh, you recognize them because his soles are always red. Of course, they come in a designer box also. I'm not seeing a run on these from my neighborhood.

Now if you want some "no limit on the price shoes" then you might want a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes. His shoes usually run from a few hundred dollars to $2,000.00 and let me tell you there aren't many at the lower end! I'd say most of them are in the higher price range of several hundred dollars. But these little beauties are $6,300.00 and he's only making 3 dozen of them. Better hurry while you can get them. Oooooh, you recognize them because his soles are always red. Of course, they come in a designer box also. I'm not seeing a run on these from my neighborhood.