Since my foot surgery 2 months ago I can't wear any of my old shoes on the left foot yet. Well, we went to back home to California last week to visit with kids and attend son's graduaction from nursing school and while there my daughter gave me a pair of lavender Crocs. (I must admit they are a very, very comfy shoe!) So yesterday I decided to wear them to church (in the snow, no less!!). Well, I wanted to be Christmas-y and decided to wear bright socks also. I thought the red and green socks might be a tad too much green and Jack wore the Christmas tie so I was stuck with bright red knee socks for my toesies! Purple dress, magenta jacket, lavender shoes and red socks. I looked like an elf! However, the members of our ward just stared and I knew it wasn't the body they were looking at. Hah......... But as I said, I'm my own fashion setter and love purple, pink and red. And trust me, this is not the "loudest" outfit I've ever worn. And I'm an old lady! Aren't we supposed to wear purple and thumb our noses at everyone and conventionality?!?!?! Gotta love me!