A friend I know painted this little compote dish and I believe it to be absolutely stunning! She has been a sweetie in encouraging me to paint. She's come a long way with her painting and this proves it. Gorgeous, Katie!!
The last several days I've been working on my website - tweaking here and there. This can be very dangerous!! Trust me on this. It has been very frustrating for me to try and do something and it won't come out exactly like I want it. I know none of you have ever experienced that. Woooooo...... Anyway, I haven't given up. There are just so so many things I want to accomplish: painting a rose is at the top of the list. Becoming more patient is another thing I want to accomplish and believe it or not, I am becoming a bit more patient. This has NOT been easy. I'm a type "A" individual. My brain just never stops. And I have more mental energy than Einstein! Physical energy? Not so much!
Jack was in his home office tonight preparing a talk for tomorrow in church and I went in and said, "You know, I could save myself a lot of frustration by just giving up on some of this. I don't have to do a blog or do an Articles page or a Home of the Month page on my website." He said, "That's right; you don't." So why am I doing it? I'll never become famous or rich, but I truly do lead a blessed life. And becoming rich has never ever been a goal of mine. I just simply want to be creative and contribute to other people's happiness. And..........paint a beautiful pink rose.........