YELLLLLLLLLL!!!! I've been organizing this room for weeks - no probably months!!!! I just can't seem to get it right. Every time I do something and go back in a few days later I see where I should make changes. I'm sure this is a complaint unique to ME!! No one ever has this problem, right???!!! Hah.
So Love Bunny and I went to Home Depot and WM yesterday and today and I found a couple of magazines on organizing!!!!!!! Can you believe that?!?! My prayer was answered. I haven't set down to read it yet as I've been painting a shelf and a frame for a picture. Read below the pix of each one............
Magazine I found and intend to read as soon as I get off of this computer.....
This is a little picture I intend to frame also, just have to FIND one to fit it.
Pause for digression here....... I received these little blue tags, blue seam binding and fringe in the mail from Nan at Linens and Laurel and I believe in helping sweet chicks who are trying to make their websites profitable. So go and visit her and I'm sure she'll sell you whatever you want!! :-) I'd never seen colored tags before (I don't get out much because I'm always on this computer!!! Oooops, sorry, Max, didn't mean it. Max is the name of my computer. I do love ya, Max!!!) Anyway when the package arrived and I opened it up the fringe looked kinda funny but when I pulled it out of the package I was fabulously delighted!! It is the cutest fringe I think I've ever had. Fuchsia and soft and just "different."
This is picture I framed with an old ugly dark wood frame and decided it needed a little pizzazzing up so I painted it white. Much much better. Ooooh, did I mention what these actually are???? Well, they are calendar pictures. YESSSSSSSSS!!!! Pay for a calendar for the year and you get 12 free pictures to frame! Can't beat that. I've been doing it for about 20 years. You can scan them and adjust the sizes you need if the pix are too big for a frame you might have around the house. The only problem and it's no BIG problem is you have to get the calendars at the end of the year just as they come out because the pretty ones go so fast. I'll buy ones with romantic cottages, doors, roses - just anything I want to frame. Might as well have gorgeous calendars to use and look at through the year than those ugly old things companies give out!
Now, here is what the shelves looked like when I walked out of that room about an hour ago!!! I'm sure the mischievous "organizing fairies" will be about their business tonight and don't expect it to look like this tomorrow. Those are the nastiest little fairies. Know what I mean???!!! Just re-arrange everything during the night or when you aren't really looking! Then you go back in and have to "re-do" EVERYTHING!!!! But, of course, as you can see, I'm really not done. Still more folding and packing into boxes for Love Bunny to put up in the garage attic. I'll bet he'll be just thrilled, don't you??!???!!! Hah Yeah, wanna bet?!!?! *Sigh*..............