Beverly of HowSweetTheSound is hosting another Pink Saturday. Please visit with her to see all the "pinkness" you've ever seen in one place.
These little bottles were emptied long ago of their fragrant perfumes that I've loved. One was Michael Kors and one was a name I've forgotten it's been so long. Throwing them away wasn't an option because I knew I could do something beautiful with them. So recently during a long winter night I set about froufrou-ing them up after painting one top pink of course. Little snippets of left over lace too small to do anything with but something like this went on them. Buttons, ribbon, paper roses, pearls and flowers I printed off some images I've had for years are attached also. They will go somewhere in this house; I just can't say where at the moment.

These little bottles were emptied long ago of their fragrant perfumes that I've loved. One was Michael Kors and one was a name I've forgotten it's been so long. Throwing them away wasn't an option because I knew I could do something beautiful with them. So recently during a long winter night I set about froufrou-ing them up after painting one top pink of course. Little snippets of left over lace too small to do anything with but something like this went on them. Buttons, ribbon, paper roses, pearls and flowers I printed off some images I've had for years are attached also. They will go somewhere in this house; I just can't say where at the moment.