It's another Pink Saturday hosted by Beverly of HowSweetTheSound. So go and visit with all the wonderful participants.
Getting a box together to send off to my granddaughter the other day while cleaning out my craft room closet, I came across some little outfits I picked up at garage sales to make into little girly things to sell. Well, they've been sitting in that closet for years now and I've done nothing with them. I only pick the ones that are in great condition and this little shirt was one of them. It's a size large so it'll fit our great granddaughter near the end of her first year, but of course I had to embellish the plain little t-shirt. I added the ruffle, embroidered the bow and added a little pink rose to the neck and into the box it went. Total cost: maybe 50¢!

This is a darling necklace I received from Sherry of Country Wings in Phoenix. I was shocked when I opened the package today. How sweet is this to receive something so precious in the mail! Thank you, sweet little chick!

And this is what I'm going to make my new little granddaughter for her arrival into this world. Aren't they precious? Squeeeeeeeeal....

Getting a box together to send off to my granddaughter the other day while cleaning out my craft room closet, I came across some little outfits I picked up at garage sales to make into little girly things to sell. Well, they've been sitting in that closet for years now and I've done nothing with them. I only pick the ones that are in great condition and this little shirt was one of them. It's a size large so it'll fit our great granddaughter near the end of her first year, but of course I had to embellish the plain little t-shirt. I added the ruffle, embroidered the bow and added a little pink rose to the neck and into the box it went. Total cost: maybe 50¢!

This is a darling necklace I received from Sherry of Country Wings in Phoenix. I was shocked when I opened the package today. How sweet is this to receive something so precious in the mail! Thank you, sweet little chick!

And this is what I'm going to make my new little granddaughter for her arrival into this world. Aren't they precious? Squeeeeeeeeal....
