Cielo is hosting an Enchanting Windows Party. We are supposed to post a picture of our favorite window. Well, sweet chicks, I have 2 favorite windows and it was difficult to decide so I'm showing you both of them and I'll explain my reasoning.
This is my bedroom window. I absolutely love my bedroom. It isn't the room we stay in much because it's our bedroom .....bed-room......for sleeping and.......well, you understand. It's not for kids; although, they are grown. It's OUR bedroom. No one else's. Our private room in the house. I have lace on every single window in this house except for the bathrooms and those might get the lace treatment when I have enough time to put something on there.

At night the light emits a soft glow, which I absolutely LOVE! Also the view outside is the east side of our home and the trash can and a/c unit are out there. So I especially liked the lace curtains to soften that view, but it's still lovely with a peach tree growing out there.

My other window that is a favorite is my family room window - mainly because it looks out into our back yard and I see green grass. I love grass! Being that this house is a recently built one and not at all plush or posh the windows are nothing to be excited about. But how we "treat" them is significant in setting a mood.

Yep, I experimented again with the camera and got this interesting picture. I kinda like it, gals. I also try and "lift" the curtains up with some handmade ribbon roses I've been making for years. I just gather up the lace and pin it with a safety pin. No one ever sees it because it's hidden but it makes a significant statement to all who see it. Besides, I love it and hubs loves it and that's all that matters to me.

Now, my little chickadees, let me finish with this.
Cielo sent me an invitation to join and I took several days to accept it because I get so many invitations to join things and just cannot physically do it. Just not enough time, dear sweets! So I acquiesced to my vanity and relented at the last minute sunday night and emailed her back to include me. That was in no way fair to that sweet lady, but I wasn't going to do it. I decided at the very last minute to accept and she was gracious enough to let me. I sincerely apologize to her for the last minute RSVP!!
Do you have any idea how many pictures I took this evening - sunday - to post this in time for Cielo's party???? Thirty five shots......yes, that's 35 to get the picture I wanted. Thank goodness for digital cameras or I would have spent a small fortune on film and developing these photos!! So see what I'm talking about. Take lots of shots for your postings. It definitely is worth it.
When we were in Ireland, Love Bunny was too cheap to pay the man at Blarney Castle to take our picture. We bought a new camera for the trip and he wanted me to capture the "Kissing of the Blarney Stone" on film for him. When we had gotten back to the hotel and looked we realized that hubs had put the film in wrong and it didn't "wind" properly! Hence, his kissing of the blarney stone was gone forever to never be caught on film again. To this day he regrets his decision! ;-) Remember this the next time you're too cheap to have it done by a pro!! And take lots of photos for just one picture. I'm telling you that you will NOT be sorry you did, but you'll always regret that you didn't. That's my motto for every single yard sale I go to also!!! LOL
And now a treat for you gals! A long time sweet friend of mine has come up with such an original idea for tea that I told her I'd tell y'all about it. Katie has put up these "tea bags" for sale. Go to her blog APetalApart to see them and you just might decide you can't live without them. They really are unique. Actual tea bags inside handmade paper roses. A feast for the eyes also!!