We started out friday evening going out to dinner (nothing and I mean nothing interferes with my going to a restaurant!) and then picking up a trailer we borrowed from a friend to haul the stone for the gardens in our front yard. I thought I'd show you the stone at the nursery and how it contrasts to the other stone.
This is the trailer we used. It took two and a half yards of stone to cover these small garden beds. We both couldn't believe it took that much.

This is some other types we could pick from.
This is the trailer we used. It took two and a half yards of stone to cover these small garden beds. We both couldn't believe it took that much.

This is some other types we could pick from.

Here is the contrast with another stone next to it. See how pinkish it looks.

The one in the middle here is the one I first wanted because of the cheaper price tag. Then hubby said he liked the pinkish stone better and that it would look great in our yard. Squeeeeeeeeeallll.........I had no intention of arguing with him. He earns the money and I spend it and sometimes I let him spend it on things he wants. We're an equal partner marriage..........uuuuhhhhhhhhh, leaning heavily to my side.

My choice. Errrrr, his choice!! *Wink*

Let me say here and now that I would never ever make it as a hole digger or construction worker. I give them a lot of credit because it is a lot harder to dig a hole than it looks. I started out digging a spot for my rose bush and gave up after hitting wire. I can't imagine any part of construction in this house that would have required wire but here it is in this hole that I assume is trash dumped there during construction. Love Bunny had to take bolt cutters to it that night and then planted the bush for me. You'll see it later in the photos below.
As you can see from the spots on the concrete it started raining just as we finished saturday afternoon.

Planning on putting some cone type baskets on the porch railing also. They'll be faux so I don't kill them by not watering. (Hubby's suggestion!)

This is my daughter's back yard in California. She's coming down this summer and is a garden-aholic. When she comes we plan on doing a similar thing with stone to our back yard. I can't wait!!!

While down in California in May my daughter gave me this little TV and a security webcam to monitor our front door. Recently Love Bunny installed it in the corner of our front porch. It is really handier than the peephole we have now. I can see from my office who is at the front door without even leaving this chair. Handy dandy little gizmo and I love not having to answer my front door to strangers.

I tried it here in the window seat but couldn't see it very easily due to my JBL Creature speakers.

So I tried it here on top of the shelves but it was a tad too wide for it and a bit shaky.

I put it on the shelves on the other side of my office and it works well here. I can look up at a glance and see who is ringing my doorbell. Total cost: $30.18 for the receiver and the webcam was free. To purchase the cam would be about $45.00. A good deal all the way around I think, even if I had to purchase the cam. Very, very easily installed also.

I can also hear the audio in here so I have the soothing sounds of my front yard fountain and the wind chimes just by turning the volume up or I can have quiet by turning the sound on the little television off. BUT I can also hear if someone is talking while walking on the sidewalk or a car goes by. I keep it low volume.
I sure hope the neighbors don't talk about me! I don't want to know. ;-)