As I've stated before I am not much for the colors of fall but it is a season I love because of the crispness in the air and the smells of baking that people usually do that time of year in anticipation of the holidays. Candy!!!! My favorite season is winter because I love the "snugginess" of it, and while I love snow I do NOT like to drive in it and pretty much don't unless there is an emergency. Sitting with a cup of hot chocolate while the first snow of the season drops down from the heavens is my idea of heaven. I just love that feeling one gets when viewing the outside world so silent.
So here is my contribution in photos for Rhondi's Party:

Oh, and I love ironing this time of year also. Cool and crisp. The photo is not my home but I have a tablecloth exactly like the one on the ironing board. Gasp!

And this is what I've been doing today. Five aprons have been completed and are hanging in my kitchen area. Five more need finishing and I've cut out 6 or 7 more to sew. I'll be showing them in detail later but I need a model and Love Bunny is a bit hesitant to model them all so I'll have to wait until I can con....uhhhh, I mean ask politely....a chick in our ward to come over and model them for me. I just love this time of year! Plus I just may sell some of them and they are truly adorable. I'm calling them "Scraprons" because they are made from scraps I've had around the house.
Random Thought:
If I put the underwear in the washing machine with the right side out, it comes out wrong side out. So should I not turn it right side out before putting it in the machine and let the machine do the work for me???? Just a thought.....