Welcome to pink saturday. To view all the participants visit with Beverly of How Sweet The Sound. This past week I visited for the first time Bella of BeautyDoes Matter, Happier Than A Pig In Mud, Eileen at Just Nature Photos and Blackberry Creek.
Now what could these be? Pancakes? Pizelles? Which reminds me, I've got to make some. Maybe today. Hmmmm. But you DO know I'll make something lovely out of them, right? I just loved the texture and color of them so I had to show them to you in their infant form. *Wink* Aaaaaah, come on, you KNOW what they are going to be!
Now what could these be? Pancakes? Pizelles? Which reminds me, I've got to make some. Maybe today. Hmmmm. But you DO know I'll make something lovely out of them, right? I just loved the texture and color of them so I had to show them to you in their infant form. *Wink* Aaaaaah, come on, you KNOW what they are going to be!

I thought they made a pretty photo with the pink and the texture and shadows of them. So, wadda I know?

Didn't I tell you I had a plethora of rugs up in the garage attic? Here are but a few of them.

And just what could be in this darling little pink fabric covered box? Yeah, even I didn't realize what I had in there until I pulled it out today.

Some of these I made and some I bought. I knew I had some someplace but it just took me a while to get around to remembering where they were. I had planned to decorate some picture frames. I just finished painting them white so now I'll be decorating them.