I am joining Karen at SomeDaysAreDiamonds for December 15th Doors of Welcome. My door is a red door with a white feather wreath I made. It is behind a glass storm door so I don't worry about it getting dirty in this desert sand, wind, heat and cold. And if you're new to my blog then welcome. Sit back and enjoy my random thoughts today. Also you might like to see my pink, white and roses Christmas tree to be shown on thursday 12/17. I can promise you that you won't be disappointed, chicks!
Another sneak preview of the Pink and Roses Christmas tree to be posted on 12/17. Keep watch. I can promise you it is worth the wait!

Another sneak preview of the Pink and Roses Christmas tree to be posted on 12/17. Keep watch. I can promise you it is worth the wait!

I was outside doing a photo shoot and noticed the stillness of the early morning. I quickly turned the camera to the yard and the starkness of our winter morning.
I so miss the twittering of birds in their bath.

We don't go "over the river and through the woods", but Love Bunny does go out to our "barn" to get the snow shovel and bins for my ever growing stash of pink tree ornaments. See his footprints. :-)
I so miss the twittering of birds in their bath.

We don't go "over the river and through the woods", but Love Bunny does go out to our "barn" to get the snow shovel and bins for my ever growing stash of pink tree ornaments. See his footprints. :-)

Our sad little quaking aspen trees yearning to have their little leaves quake and quiver at us again.

I came across this wonderful product purely by accident recently and ordered it. It adds a glittery shine to projects. I've practiced on this scrap of card stock. I've learned that it must be shaken well before spritzing on to the project though. Plus it's not cheap at $6.99 a bottle.

A couple of spritz on some scraps of card stock.

I also wanted to show you that even the humblest of things can be beautiful. This is the "leftovers" from cutting out some scrunched flowers and after testing the Glittermist on this card stock. Pretty bad, huh?

Cut out another one—one petal each—for this little flower. Out of scraps comes this. Not much is wasted around this house when it comes to froufrou-ing up!

I love peanut butter and eat half a sandwich quite frequently for lunch. Recently, while spreading it on the slice of bread, I thought of that old commercial with Annette Funicello. I wondered how many slices of bread she had to spread with peanut butter before it was a "take" for the cameras. I'm betting she hates the smell of it by now. Hmmm.....
I visit a lot of blogs daily simply because I love viewing them and getting a sneak peek into other's lives and comparing my pathetic little life. ;-) Joking, joking!!!! Anyway, when viewing some of their photos with captions I'm not sure if the text is for the photo above it or below it. That gets very confusing when the blogger is talking about someone in the photo who has a name that can be both feminine and masculine such as Kelly or Mel (Melanie), Mckenzie, Hadley or some such. So to just clarify for you, my text for the photo is always above the photo so you won't have to wonder about my aunt "Cary"!!
Recently our garage door wouldn't work properly and being only 4 years old, it should have been. I'm not that hard on them, chicks! Well, Love Bunny "fixed" it. Nuuuuu, the next time I left it wouldn't go down properly. To spare you the long and gruesome details, this went on for several days. He'd fix; it wouldn't work for me next time. On and on. Finally, we think we've got it working properly. However, all this took to fix the problem was a paper towel to clean the "lens" and a "jiggle." I think he'd call this "scientific" but I'm not sure about that. DUH!!
Have you ever been around someone and it's hard to resist the urge to do a mercy killing? This happens frequently and my patience is a test to them being alive at this moment!
The other day while loading my items onto the belt at the check out stand at WM I dropped something and a young man loading the soft drink machine said, "Here, let me get that for you; it's easier for me." Aaaaaaccckkkk, do I look like I'm an old lady?!?! Trust me, I felt the chill up and down my spine.
There is a situation in our life that has us a bit on edge here. The other night I just broke down and cried. I could feel the urge coming on and LB sat me down and we talked. He's always kind like that. He knows when situations for me are bad and he's very loving and talked me through it and took action to render some relief to that stress. No, it's not him. I knew I wouldn't be able to breathe after that. So now I'm wondering why does crying stuff us up????
Several years ago a friend invited us to her house for dinner. I rarely turn down an invitation to feed me. Anyway, we went and when dinner was served it was at a kitchen bar on high stools. Now, this is not my idea of comfort, leisurely dinner or even good etiquette for conversation. The food was fine but I was a bit miffed. You cannot talk while 4 people are sitting side by side. It just doesn't work. Plus sitting on high stools just about kills my legs. I'll be sure and ask next time if we can please sit at a table to eat and converse.
We have a rule in this house that we do not read while at the table with each other except when reading our scriptures in the morning there after we've eaten. At no other time is reading allowed there. It is very rude to eat and have the other person with their face in a book, magazine or paper. Dining tables are for eating.