This morning I went out to the rose garden while the dew was still on the roses and snipped a bunch for another bouquet in the house today. I also seemed to have brought a few bugs in with me. But I thought I'd share them with you along with some random thoughts.

Aren't they just lovely? Nothing can make the human heart soar like beautiful roses fresh from the garden.

Random Thoughts:
Vulgarity is often the first step down the road to indulgence. To be vulgar is to give offense to good taste or refined feelings. It is only a step from vulgarity to obscenity.
French fries are the vehicle I use to get my fix of catsup.
Can someone tell me where the terms yada, yada, yada and blah, blah, blah came from? Terrible grammar. I usually say "and so forth" but never, ever blah or yada.
Does anyone know how they determine fiber in fruits? This inquiring and inquisitive mind would like to know.
Wouldn't you hate to be the model for a Life Lock ad for a predator?! Yikes...
Though it would be comforting to think that galaxies revolve around me; I am NOT the center of the universe. Hubby told me this once a very long time ago and it absolutely stunned me! I am NOT kidding. It was a very real eye opener. I wonder if he takes delight in bursting my bubbles. Hmmmmmm.....
I saw this ad on a news site the other day and just stared in wonder at it. Truthfully, I'm not sure I "get" it!