My life is to make everything around me beautiful.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

How To Make a Rose Tree Topper for Pink Saturday 12/26/09

Thank you to Beverly of HowSweetTheSound for hosting Pink Saturday. Go visit with her and see hundreds of chicks displaying all the pink things they could find.

My reason for so many photos is not to be prideful or to bore you with a plethora of photos, which pretty much look the same; it's to give you every possible view of this wreath so that those of you who would like to make one for yourselves can see to your maximum advantage how it is done and what I used. It is truly one easy wreath to make.

Start with a small straw or grapevine wreath. Wrap it in tinsel garland of your choice of color. I used ones I bought at the Dollar Store for $1.00 for 9 ft. I used 2 of them. Start by tucking the starting end and securing it by wrapping a few times around it. End by doing another tuck or hot glue or a pin. It's up to you. I just tucked. I'm lazy!

Then I started with the roses by pushing the stems into the wreath. They will stay easily and come out easily if you want to take them off and save them in a spot without getting crushed until next year. I used about 12 or 14 of them. OR you can choose another flower or even some other ornament. You could even add twigs painted white or pink stuck up to look like a crown.

I then put a little candle wreath on top of that. Just laid it there. It will stay once on the tree. I have a couple of these left over from a sale Michaels was having after last Easter. You could use any color you prefer, but, as always, pink dominates in this house. ;-)

I then stuck in a couple of glittery greenery purchased at Joanns for 80¢ each into the wreath. It stays also with no glue.

I then stole a very high end truly real looking rose out of one of the many bouquets around this house knowing it wouldn't be missed with all the other roses around and stuck it down through the center of the wreath until it stopped with a branch of the tree. It is NOT attached to the wreath, but held in place by it and the tree itself.

And this one I made give away! Squeeeeeeeal...... ;-)

I had one extra little wreath left over from many years ago and found a spectacular sparkly bling candle wreath at Michaels the other day so you know what I had to do with it. Yep, another tree topper. But this one is now on the tree. So I have a choice of two wreaths for next year. I had to wire this candle wreath to the main wreath as it was heavier than the other ones. Then I added the roses, pearls and stuck in a bit of greenery I had in my craft room. Voilà!! This little jewel will stay in the family!

The tree topper on the tree now. Truly spectacular with all that glittery bling. Steph!!!!!!!! How do you like it, sugar sistah? Smooches for mum. XOXOXOXO

And there you have it, so go and create, chicks!