Another blustery day here in the cold high desert. This is what I've been doing today along with removing glue from roses which I'm redoing in something else. This little birdhouse will be hanging in my family room I think. Looks like it would fit in there nicely. Lots of roses, birds, pink ribbon, pearls and garland.

Random Thoughts:
Who in the world came up with that leopard skin broom and mop? What kind of decor could it possibly go with: early African safari?!
Sometimes it's the thinking of a project that sets my heart a flutter than the actual doing of it. Maybe it's the anticipation.
I am not one to gild an offense. I think about it and pretty much let it go. Some people just baby it with mother's milk and feed it to let it grow in stature rapidly. They want it full grown as rapidly as possible. I want it to die a sudden death and not give it the power it wants.
The reaction I get around here when I tell women I blog is quite amazing. For the most part they have no clue what I'm talking about and will usually say "What?" I'll take my camera into a place—such as the optometrist recently—and they just stare and wonder why I'm photographing things. It's really funny to watch them watching me. I just tell them I'm doing a photo shoot and they then nod and say, "Oooooh." I love doing that. :-)
I still want to know what nutcase came up with the idea of making all of WalMart brand labels white?! It looks like institutional food on the shelves. WM, are ya listening?!?!