Welcome to Pink Saturday once again. I was absent last week because I was simply feeling blah. We all know that happens once in a while so I just go with it and hibernate with a good book. However, to view all the participants go to Beverly and visit with them all. I think you'll be delighted and inspired both. Just click on her logo below.

While pink and yellow is my favorite color combination, pink and green is up there with another color combination of which I like to dress. I'll wear pink and green a great deal of the time. It's not my most flattering color combination. Rose pink is the color of which I can see really makes me shine. I never realized it until I made a dress of rose raw silk once and while never thinking of myself as beautiful, I just glowed in that color. That is my most flattering color—rose pink. The shirt below is a close match to what I'm talking about. Just a tad lighter than that.

I like wearing 2 shirts together mainly because the pink one is a tank top and I don't wear sleeveless things unless I have something over it. I'm very modest. So this can work well for me.

While pink and yellow is my favorite color combination, pink and green is up there with another color combination of which I like to dress. I'll wear pink and green a great deal of the time. It's not my most flattering color combination. Rose pink is the color of which I can see really makes me shine. I never realized it until I made a dress of rose raw silk once and while never thinking of myself as beautiful, I just glowed in that color. That is my most flattering color—rose pink. The shirt below is a close match to what I'm talking about. Just a tad lighter than that.

I like wearing 2 shirts together mainly because the pink one is a tank top and I don't wear sleeveless things unless I have something over it. I'm very modest. So this can work well for me.

I loved this box when I saw it a couple of years ago. Lime isn't exactly a color I'd go for but when paired with this fuchsia pink I couldn't resist it. It holds special papers inside of it.

And while no green here, it is a photo of Miss Caroline taken last week, and she's my favorite eye candy. Our little blue-eyed Guatemalan chica. ;-)

Let's have a few Random Thoughts today:
In church last sunday, a very beautiful young, long-haired blonde woman and new mother was talking about her testimony of the Gospel and the kindness the ward had shown her being new in the ward. She's from Canada and married an American but loves it here. She said something about worrying about her wrinkles. I had to chuckle because I saw not a one wrinkle in that gorgeous smooth face and even lamented that I have crow's feet older than her! Precious...
"Good" is a soft assessment of a situation. I prefer the "real deal" when talking about the situation.
In light of some things happening in my life recently I've decided that testosterone should be a controlled substance. ;-)
Is it only me or are there others that think Hugh Hefner is a pathetic joke? Reading about his "engagement(!)" recently is so sad even my hubby shook his head. Now, this man has rarely ever had his picture in any clothes other than his pajamas, has several young women "available" in his mansion, which is a pigsty from all reports, acts like the world gushes at his every word and marries girls young enough to be his granddaughters. Does he realize how foolish and pathetic that makes him? If he didn't have millions of dollars no one would look twice at the fool!
Funny how washing dishes around this home is just a matter of who turns on the dishwasher now.
Someone recently told me to not worry so much. "Yeah, I'll get right on that." ;-)
Have you ever listened to someone whose sense of words drowned in sense of self. Well, trust me, I have...and probably have been guilty a time or two of committing the crime myself.