Welcome to Beverly's Pink Saturday, my favorite linky party. Go to her blog and visit with all the participants.

Today is a very windy, cold day with snow forecast but it doesn't look like snow clouds up there to me. Love Bunny went to a model train meeting/show and I'm home alone. I finally am getting my craft room set back up. Here's what it looked like a year ago. I won't even show you what it looks like at the moment, but it's coming along today. I plan on going in there and working while hubs is gone. I want to get some crafting done because I miss it and have a few giveaways planned in the near future. You really don't want to miss my giveaways. Really!!!
This is what the craft room has looked like for about 9 months now. Actually, worse than this. I'd just started to clean it up a bit and thought I'd better run get a camera to shoot what it looked like before I get around to making it liveable/workable again.
Actually, this is where I am at the moment—my office. That's my chair and the wall to my back as I type. It's a comfortable room for me because it's on the front and I can look out and see if anyone is coming up the walk and look at the neighbors walking. I love this room actually. But it's time to redo it a bit. I'll work on that next week perhaps. Hubs' office is next door down the hallway and then the guest bathroom and then further down the craft room is at the back of the house.
Today is a very windy, cold day with snow forecast but it doesn't look like snow clouds up there to me. Love Bunny went to a model train meeting/show and I'm home alone. I finally am getting my craft room set back up. Here's what it looked like a year ago. I won't even show you what it looks like at the moment, but it's coming along today. I plan on going in there and working while hubs is gone. I want to get some crafting done because I miss it and have a few giveaways planned in the near future. You really don't want to miss my giveaways. Really!!!
This is what the craft room has looked like for about 9 months now. Actually, worse than this. I'd just started to clean it up a bit and thought I'd better run get a camera to shoot what it looked like before I get around to making it liveable/workable again.

Isn't this sofa adorable. I should love having one just like it.

Of course having these little darling chairs wouldn't upset me either!

Another charming sofa I like.

Don't you just love these broad pink stripes? They remind me of a circus but yet these are elegant.

Take a breather and walk through this allèe. (And this reminds me of something to tell you all. It's always good form when posting a word of another language—and we're talking mostly Spanish and French here, the most common languages we use after English when writing blogs—to put the accents where they should be. On a Mac it's very easy but it can be done on a Windows machine. Just look it up on Google and they'll help you. I think putting in foreign accents on words would be a good place to start. And it proves how much more clever you are. Smile!)

Don't throw away your old rake, re-purpose it! Cute idea, huh?

Oh, be still my beating heart!!!

Another darling idea...

Followed by another creative idea.

You are the queen or king of your own home, as I am the queen of this house.

Now let's look at some more cakes. Remember: $17 to $200 a slice for these cakes! But aren't they just beautiful? And supposedly, everything on the cake is edible. Incredible.

What happens is not as important as how you react to what happens.