Just an idea for some pots that I've put my indoor hyacinths in.

They've started to bloom after just a few days.

Random Thoughts:
There is a street near us named Coquille. That's french for cockles (scallops—the seafood). I love scallops or Coquille St. Jacques. BUT the people pronounce it KO KILL. It is pronounced Ko Kee. If we name things in this country french names we should at least pronounce them properly or the best we can. Same with any language I think.
Men even dry dishes differently than most women. I do NOT drip across the countertop. Love Bunny does! Across the counter, across the floor. I let it drip dry and then put it on the counter. He doesn't. Same should apply in other rooms in the house. ;-)

They've started to bloom after just a few days.

Random Thoughts:
There is a street near us named Coquille. That's french for cockles (scallops—the seafood). I love scallops or Coquille St. Jacques. BUT the people pronounce it KO KILL. It is pronounced Ko Kee. If we name things in this country french names we should at least pronounce them properly or the best we can. Same with any language I think.
Men even dry dishes differently than most women. I do NOT drip across the countertop. Love Bunny does! Across the counter, across the floor. I let it drip dry and then put it on the counter. He doesn't. Same should apply in other rooms in the house. ;-)
Have you ever noticed I sometimes don't talk a lot in the blog post and just post photos. Those are my lazy days. Yep, I do have days where I'd rather be doing something else. So when you see just a few photos, that's my lazy day.
Hubby and I were reading and trying to study the scriptures recently and I had a comment about "smiting the other cheek." I forget the exact exchange but he said something about I hadn't yet done it. I replied, "The day is still young, bubbie!"
We were driving down the street the other day to a used book store and as sometimes happens, he was giving me the scenic tour. That means he was going down side streets in less than desirable neighborhoods. I noticed a home that had a big American flag...as its window covering decor. Tacky, tacky, tacky. You shouldn't desecrate our flag that way for one thing. We in this family are very, very careful how we display the flag. There truly is a proper way to do it. We would never do it any other way.
A couple of weeks ago, we were in Staples and I noticed a woman, her hubby and pre-teen son looking at Windows 7 for PC. I told her I had an extra one and offered to sell it to her at a fraction of the cost. She came over to get it and her son was texting on his phone. She told him to put it away, that he was being rude. That mother got a huge hoorah from me! I couldn't believe it. She was right; it was rude. He did put it away and looked chagrined. I think every mom should teach their child as that woman was teaching that young man.
Hubby and I were reading and trying to study the scriptures recently and I had a comment about "smiting the other cheek." I forget the exact exchange but he said something about I hadn't yet done it. I replied, "The day is still young, bubbie!"
We were driving down the street the other day to a used book store and as sometimes happens, he was giving me the scenic tour. That means he was going down side streets in less than desirable neighborhoods. I noticed a home that had a big American flag...as its window covering decor. Tacky, tacky, tacky. You shouldn't desecrate our flag that way for one thing. We in this family are very, very careful how we display the flag. There truly is a proper way to do it. We would never do it any other way.
A couple of weeks ago, we were in Staples and I noticed a woman, her hubby and pre-teen son looking at Windows 7 for PC. I told her I had an extra one and offered to sell it to her at a fraction of the cost. She came over to get it and her son was texting on his phone. She told him to put it away, that he was being rude. That mother got a huge hoorah from me! I couldn't believe it. She was right; it was rude. He did put it away and looked chagrined. I think every mom should teach their child as that woman was teaching that young man.