An inexpensive decorating idea...
My granddaughter used the photos I posted on my blog last summer to make an inexpensive decorating vignette for her guest room. The best part is that the photos are actually from my garden that I posted last summer. It makes them even more special that they are her grandmother's (me) roses. She captured them beautifully from the blog and then printed them out and bought inexpensive frames at Michaels and arranged them in her guest room, which is our room when we visit.
Her decorating is much different from mine and her mom's but at least she could find something to incorporate into her decorating that is nostalgic. Her mom and I often wonder where we went wrong in teaching her!! ;-)
My granddaughter used the photos I posted on my blog last summer to make an inexpensive decorating vignette for her guest room. The best part is that the photos are actually from my garden that I posted last summer. It makes them even more special that they are her grandmother's (me) roses. She captured them beautifully from the blog and then printed them out and bought inexpensive frames at Michaels and arranged them in her guest room, which is our room when we visit.
Her decorating is much different from mine and her mom's but at least she could find something to incorporate into her decorating that is nostalgic. Her mom and I often wonder where we went wrong in teaching her!! ;-)

They hang on the wall next to the bed but aren't very straight at the moment. Next trip over I'm taking my fun-tac and anchoring them in place!

Random Thoughts:
I am always losing my spot when reading a book because the bookmark usually falls out but I've discovered that a piece of yarn, which is very "stretchable", tied into a circle and slipped over the spot I wish to save works wonders—doesn't fall out of the book, no matter how I toss it around.
When recently going to visit granddaughter we took along our GPS system. She talks to us so I'm guessing that's how most of them are. But when she says "slight right turn" what exactly does she mean? A bend in the road? Stymied us a couple of times, but it got me to thinking about how the pioneers might have used it:
Go straight for one week, turn at the big rock shaped like a table on the north side of the trail. Then go west for a month and when coming to a river go through it but watch for snakes and keep kids in the wagon. If they ask "Are we there yet?" just say "Almost" or "Only a few more weeks"! If they're hungry, just tell them to keep an eye out for a steer? Boggles my mind.