My life is to make everything around me beautiful.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Gorgeous Papers #2

Even more gorgeous papers for you to view. This one is a gorgeous Christmas-y one, but I think it could be used for just about any occasion. After all, holly is just a lovely plant of red berries, and white evergreens (is that an oxymoron?) are abundant in many shabby, romantic homes all through the year and doesn't have to signify Christmas altogether. I'd certainly use it all through the year.

For the bird and nature lover. Notice the little bunny at the bottom.

For the lover of old ledgers.

Isn't this a lovely shade of green that complements the fruits exquisitely?

This one would be perfect for a lover of Victorian wallpaper and old wishing wells.

Lovers of all things french and that lovely "french blue" would find a good use for this paper.