For First Friday, I recommend you go to my selling blog, La Maison Rose, and look at a few new things I've put on there recently. And to learn more about First Fridays, go to Rhea's blog at sweetnshabbyroses.
Now for some tranquility in lieu of the past week and all the worldly problems confronting you. Peace, my sweet friends.......
These doors look European or South American to me. They came from a calendar of this year. I only buy beautiful calendars to hang on my fridge so Love Bunny can keep me informed of his activities. One month at a time is placed on the fridge with beautiful magnets to hold them. I walk the walk when I talk the talk, chicks.
Hubs and I have been to Mexico and England and Ireland and simply loved visiting those countries, but we'll never go again. (I ain't flying, chicks!! Never ever again.) But the beauty of the flowers and the doors is astounding. The doors and windows in Ireland impressed me the most. So today I thought I'd just share with you these vintage looking entrances with the roses and foliage around them. Aren't they gorgeous? I also love the cobblestones pathways or streets you see in some of them.
Imagine climbing these stone steps worn with a smoothness and age from years of the pattering of feet running up and down them after a day of shopping or coming home from work. Beautiful in their simplicity. Window boxes abundant with flowers vining down the wall and shutters to keep the hot sun at bay during the day.
Now for some tranquility in lieu of the past week and all the worldly problems confronting you. Peace, my sweet friends.......
These doors look European or South American to me. They came from a calendar of this year. I only buy beautiful calendars to hang on my fridge so Love Bunny can keep me informed of his activities. One month at a time is placed on the fridge with beautiful magnets to hold them. I walk the walk when I talk the talk, chicks.
Hubs and I have been to Mexico and England and Ireland and simply loved visiting those countries, but we'll never go again. (I ain't flying, chicks!! Never ever again.) But the beauty of the flowers and the doors is astounding. The doors and windows in Ireland impressed me the most. So today I thought I'd just share with you these vintage looking entrances with the roses and foliage around them. Aren't they gorgeous? I also love the cobblestones pathways or streets you see in some of them.
Imagine climbing these stone steps worn with a smoothness and age from years of the pattering of feet running up and down them after a day of shopping or coming home from work. Beautiful in their simplicity. Window boxes abundant with flowers vining down the wall and shutters to keep the hot sun at bay during the day.

This one reminds me of a "secret" little street off the beaten path. Shrubs and flowers in pots and cascading down the balcony and over the window boxes again. Tile roofs to add to the mystique and ambiance. Notice also the vivid sun-drenched colors of the walls. Magnifiquè! Vintage lanterns lining the street and dripping with the patina of centuries gone past.

A secret entrance perhaps? Hmmmmm. More lush foliage to secret the owners from passersby. Hubs and I have rented a condo in Puerto Vallarta that reminds us of this patio. It was gorgeous.

Look at those magnificent doors! Very regal. And the stone step worn away from centuries of use. Can you imagine living here? The scent of geraniums wafting through the window spilling their spicy scent up to you. What a treat that would be.....:-)

This one reminds me of where Jesus the Christ might have lived. I can't explain why but it is just reminiscent of the cave where the stone was rolled away and He was set free for eternity. Even the light on the wall reminds me of His light to the world. Stone steps luxuriant in so many flowers one can barely find purchase for the feet. I weep.