My friend, Lorena, is having a 200th post giveaway so please visit with her and sign up for her gorgeous items to be given away.
Beverly from HowSweettheSound, is sponsoring Pink Saturday so go visit her and see all the PINK stuff, chicks!
I mentioned in this post that I've wanted to do several things on my list that I made a long time ago. This is another one of those things. Read on...

First I assembled the letters and painted around them with white paint. Got out my Mod Podge, fabric and scissors and went to work. Roses, paint, ribbons, snippets of vintage lace, rick rack, etc. Can you guess what they spell?? Hah!!

Let me mention something here about these scissors as an aside. I have probably 12 pairs of scissors in this house and that is after going through the house about a month or two ago and throwing out pairs that just didn't "cut" it anymore. ;-) Five pairs are Gingher and one pair is Fiskars and the rest are just inexpensive scissors. The pair of Gingher on the bottom in the photo below are a relatively new pair that I bought and are incredible. The next photo shows the blade that is serrated. It works incredibly well in "holding" the fabric while cutting. I recommend this pair highly. They are dressmaker shears I think and are not inexpensive but will last a lifetime. And Love Bunny has been warned that if he uses them and dulls them, he's forking out $50 for a new pair of these.

See the serrated edge. Very, very sharp.

So here the fabrics are cut and glued onto the wood letters and then the embellishing began. Here are the finished letters that will go in the.......

Beverly from HowSweettheSound, is sponsoring Pink Saturday so go visit her and see all the PINK stuff, chicks!
I mentioned in this post that I've wanted to do several things on my list that I made a long time ago. This is another one of those things. Read on...

First I assembled the letters and painted around them with white paint. Got out my Mod Podge, fabric and scissors and went to work. Roses, paint, ribbons, snippets of vintage lace, rick rack, etc. Can you guess what they spell?? Hah!!

Let me mention something here about these scissors as an aside. I have probably 12 pairs of scissors in this house and that is after going through the house about a month or two ago and throwing out pairs that just didn't "cut" it anymore. ;-) Five pairs are Gingher and one pair is Fiskars and the rest are just inexpensive scissors. The pair of Gingher on the bottom in the photo below are a relatively new pair that I bought and are incredible. The next photo shows the blade that is serrated. It works incredibly well in "holding" the fabric while cutting. I recommend this pair highly. They are dressmaker shears I think and are not inexpensive but will last a lifetime. And Love Bunny has been warned that if he uses them and dulls them, he's forking out $50 for a new pair of these.

See the serrated edge. Very, very sharp.

So here the fabrics are cut and glued onto the wood letters and then the embellishing began. Here are the finished letters that will go in the.......

...Laundry Room! Have you guessed what the letters spell out yet?
And here they are after hanging them in the laundry room. I think they're cute.

I changed out the embroidery that my daughter did for me years ago with this picture of a cottage that was behind the sofa in the family room and put it behind the washer instead. I think it looks fine there but now I'll have to find another place for the embroidered flowers.

Close up view of that area.

Oooh, and I covered the clothes rod with fabric also.

I'm grateful for the health hubby and I have. No one believes we're as old as we are because we don't walk as if we were infirm. I'm a very spritely old lady but I recognize those who aren't blessed with good health and how blessed we are to have healthy bodies. Okay, so I could lose some weight! ;-) But by and large we are in excellent health. I thank God every time I think of it and ask for continued blessings with it.