Just a few more bedrooms because I'm sure you'd rather view other rooms and crafts and read my witty thoughts. ;-) But I don't want to bore you too much; I simply want to give you ideas for what you can do in your home and/or bedroom. Just pick something about the room you like and try to think of how it could fit into your setting. It can absolutely be done with little or no money. Look around your home and see what in one room would have a completely different look in another room when paired up with something different for a delightful vignette.
Look closely and you'll notice this woman has an antique egg basket with eggs in it; maybe they're real but I doubt it. You can buy faux eggs now in just about any craft store.
And if you have the luxury of having a porch such as this one, use it as this homeowner does. Move a bed out there in the summer months, put up some netting to hold the bugs at bay and sleep there or just relax with hubby or a book. Marvelous!
Look closely and you'll notice this woman has an antique egg basket with eggs in it; maybe they're real but I doubt it. You can buy faux eggs now in just about any craft store.

And if you have the luxury of having a porch such as this one, use it as this homeowner does. Move a bed out there in the summer months, put up some netting to hold the bugs at bay and sleep there or just relax with hubby or a book. Marvelous!

Checks of any size are one of my favorite decorating fabrics. The size of the check determines whether it's formal or informal, but you can use them in any style. Paired with florals is my favorite scheme.

This is very similar to my family room area in which I sit. A very luxurious stuffed chair, a buttery yellow and pink flowered quilt thrown over it so it can be easily washed when I spill something on it, a very good lamp for lighting when reading and a table to hold my essentials. My essentials are my scriptures, pen, paper, drink, ottoman, phone and the current book I'm reading.

While I'm not a devotee of leaving candles burning because of their hazard and young children can be seriously burned, they can certainly set a mood for a short period of time if you are in the room with them. Caution far exceeds romance for me. The dresser in this room is what captured my heart.
My mother and aunt burned a childhood home to the ground playing with candles in a closet back in the 1920s and were saved by an old black man from burning up in that fire. I never knew him of course, but he's a hero to me for having saved my mom and aunt.

Christmas-y in its feel because of the green and red buffalo pillows, the pine boughs on the mantel and the red and green bedcoverings, this room is just waiting for Santa Claus to happen by. :-)

Random Thought:
Sometimes I think I should like to leap or erupt from a phone booth in cape and tights or even a ball gown with a smashing pink sparkly tiara, but I can't actually fly so I'm locked in to my wonderful existence of being a wife to Love Bunny and mom and grandmom to 6 of the most exquisite beings on this earth. I'll pass on the recognition I might have had and lean into the winds of "gratefulness" for this life.