I started out at 5:30 am. (I'm an early riser.) I got a massage at 10 and then went to WM to pick up some more voile sheers to hang in bedroom. Remember I talked about getting them for the patio or did I?? Hmmm.....anyway I went back and got 4 more after the 6 pairs I got saturday. It brightened up the bedroom considerably! So I still have enough for the patio. But then I decided to change my curtains in the living room. I was just ready for a change and have some fabric I'm thinking of using - 2 toiles, one a pale Laura Ashley and one a brighter pink with a girl and a boy on it. It's a very popular fabric and difficult to find even though I did find a place to buy it and I ain't telling!!! So I only have 3 1/2 yds of each fabric. I'm up and down the ladder hanging more sheers on each side along with some absolutely gorgeous lace purchased many years ago at Spiegels. Okay, lace in middle pulled up with my handmade roses, then the sheer voile on the sides and then a "color fabric" to anchor it all on the side but not on the glass part because I need more light in there. So "color fabric" will be on the walls not windows. After hiking up and down and testing the fabric I came up with this:

Then while fussing around with all that I decided to paint a little corner cabinet my daughter was going to throw out!! It was dark and kind of country looking but I threw a couple coats of paint on it today and put it back in hubby's corner of the bedroom. I let just enough of the green show through to give it that shabby chippy look. Looks much better in that corner.