I have been besieged with women emailing me and asking how to make those clip-ons for shoes. They're asking from as far away as the Netherlands. So I've put together a tutorial with pictures — squeeeeeeeeal(!) — on how to do it. Just click on the sassy pair of red shoes on the right hand side bar and it will take you to the tutorial. And if you do decide to make them, email me and let me know pleeeeeease!!! I'd love to see what you've done with your creativity. My tutorial is very easy, chicks, so go for it. :-)
I seem to have become obsessed recently with doing some artful blogging. I haven't quite figured it out yet, but I've been diligently learning by simply taking pictures. I haven't "mastered" it yet—actually, not even sure I'm DOING blogging artfully! But here's a start. Most people in my church have no clue what I'm talking about but you chicks do so here's another example. Hmmm, I'm sure working on it though. I'm thinking that I need to set the Recording Pixels to its highest setting and then crop "viciously" to get close it on the shot for an "up close and personal" shot. Here I've tried it 2 different ways.
I seem to have become obsessed recently with doing some artful blogging. I haven't quite figured it out yet, but I've been diligently learning by simply taking pictures. I haven't "mastered" it yet—actually, not even sure I'm DOING blogging artfully! But here's a start. Most people in my church have no clue what I'm talking about but you chicks do so here's another example. Hmmm, I'm sure working on it though. I'm thinking that I need to set the Recording Pixels to its highest setting and then crop "viciously" to get close it on the shot for an "up close and personal" shot. Here I've tried it 2 different ways.