Little eye candy for ya, chicks. This is what my dining table looks like today with all the roses I'm making. These are for sale on my etsy or my selling blog LaMaisonRose. Not expensive at all.

I had Love Bunny home today so he agreed to do some "honey-dos" for me. We bought some stone to "widen" the patio a bit. For two people it should be large enough but with all the stuff we have leftover from our old house it clearly isn't enough room out there. In our old house we had 3 huge patios so when we moved here I had to sell a lot of the wicker and wrought iron stuff. Just too much for here. But I still wanted a bigger patio here after they finished construction but hubs doesn't want to redo the sprinkling system and I can understand that. Hence, we're just adding stones and not interfering with the system.

Love Bunny walking to his shed. Not bad for almost 70 years old, huh? He certainly can light my fire!! ;-)

Could someone please tell me why men have to have shops, sheds and/or storage units for things they will never ever use again?

That bicycle hasn't been used for at least 3 years and then only a time or two but he haaaaaad to have it. It's at least 10 years old now. Sigh...

See those fishing poles up there? I cannot tell you how old they are and he hasn't used any of them for at least 18 years.