Some little signs I've had for a couple of years that had some prints of garden items on them couldn't take the hot desert summer heat anymore and gave up th' ghost—that's Idaho talk for "peeled off." I was ready to trash them but hubs—YES, hubs— said to try and paint them. I almost fell out of the dining room chair, chicks!! Ohmygosh, I couldn't believe he was telling me to keep something and not to throw it away. Well, I didn't want to spoil his party so I did as th' man said. I painted them the other day and then decided to go for it totally and paint the patio table since I had my painting apron on, the wind was not blowing and I had paint cans in my hands already. PinkkkkkkKKK. While I was at it, and being totally embarrassed at our yard at the moment since Love Bunny is campaigning for a state position and barely has time to mow the front yard. I decided to show you what the back yard looks like at the moment. This will change very shortly I can assure you. ;-) They don't call me the "nag" for nothing, ya know.
Krylon's Ballet Pink spray-on paint is the color and it is a lively pink but looks lighter in the photos however. I was just so sick of looking at that black round metal table all rusted and dust covered. (I figure the dust won't show as much on the pink! "I don't do dust" has always been my motto.)

Then as I was photographing it I noticed the light and shadows across it and saw how pretty it was. Looks almost lavender where the sheer curtain shadows fall across the table.

It almost felt ethereal out there early in the morning all by myself and no neighborhood noises yet. Actually, we live in a very, very quiet neighborhood. But I felt like it was almost transformed with the light falling softly on the top.

Concord grapes grow here for hubs because he loves them. He gets just enough to satisfy his appetite for a year from this small vine. I don't care for grapes with seeds and am not fond of concord grapes so he gets them all to himself, much to his glee.

Our little patch of garden. Last year we planned on putting stones around it this year but haven't had the time yet so this is—embarrassingly—it for the moment. I plan on getting this done posthaste though. Remember, I'm th' nag here and I'm very good at it. ;-) We've got 3 tomato plants started and will have cucumbers, lettuce and a few other things. Not much as I am NOT canning anymore.
That little beige pot next to it is my gardenia we're nursing back to health. It stays in the house for the winter and then goes back outside in the summer. I love them but it gets pretty cold in the winter so we have to bring it inside.

Forget-me-not seed packet was a gift from an order I received over the internet. We'll—meaning Love Bunny, I can assure you—will plant these soon and then I'll use the package to hang in my laundry room on a wall.