A friend and her hubby and kids vacationed in France for a week this spring. They are getting a villa in France for about $150 a night. You might want to look into that yourself at those rates. Me? I don't fly anymore and care nothing about going back to Europe. But seems there are great rates since the economy is doing so badly.
I think this is darling. You have a great yard for lounging.
I think this is darling. You have a great yard for lounging.

You might like a little cottage on the water. And I mean ON the water.

And if you prefer to "upscale", this might be within your budget.

Or if you prefer to really "upscale", you could rent this little villa.

This one even comes with its own transportation. ;-)

Wisteria adds a touch of romance.

I wonder why most of the roofs look so terrible though.

I know most of you are swooning over this little beauty.

A typical living area in France.

If you want to vacation in the city instead of country, you might want to consider this one.

This seems a mite close to its neighbor.

Nature is a good name for an effect whose cause is God.
Nature is a good name for an effect whose cause is God.
Photos courtesy of google images
Photos courtesy of google images