Friday, August 22, 2008
A Bit More Formal Country
Oooops, sorry, Vickie, it was Salado, Texas. I knew it ended in an "O"!!!
My friend, Vickie, just opened her website and has lots of lovely things to sell. She also has a little shop in Plano, Texas, if you're ever in that area. You'll have to go and ask her where it is though. I'm not familiar with that area.
Yes, this is definitely country. It reminds me of an english country home - while country, just a tad more formality to it. I truly love this style of decorating. My preference is for my living room to be a little more formal while still romantic with lots of roses around it. I love the "old world" charm of this style. And I've always loved the rich reds in living rooms.

The bedrooms are gorgeous; however, I prefer them light, airy and more romantic, but these are definitely stunning.
My friend, Vickie, just opened her website and has lots of lovely things to sell. She also has a little shop in Plano, Texas, if you're ever in that area. You'll have to go and ask her where it is though. I'm not familiar with that area.
Yes, this is definitely country. It reminds me of an english country home - while country, just a tad more formality to it. I truly love this style of decorating. My preference is for my living room to be a little more formal while still romantic with lots of roses around it. I love the "old world" charm of this style. And I've always loved the rich reds in living rooms.

The bedrooms are gorgeous; however, I prefer them light, airy and more romantic, but these are definitely stunning.

Sofas should always be comfortable before anything else. My back cushions are downy-like in their cushiness also. My back screams at anything else! I've had them restuffed to achieve that elegant luxuriousness. Love them. The one below looks very tempting.

We will always have lovers of blue. I love this color. I don't think I would want it in my living room to this extent though. However, yes, this is one gorgeous room with the antique looking chest and tables. Country in its finest form.
Last night at about 9:30 or 9:45 pm the doorbell rang. Now, hubs is still in Orlando so I didn't answer the door because it was so late AND I had forgotten to turn on the porch light. It rang twice but I just sat there kinda frozen. Know what I mean??? So anyway I told him about it this morning when we talked on the phone and he said I could have looked out the peephole. I said nuuuuuuuu, it was dark! He said you could probably have seen out there anyway and now I wouldn't know who it was. WHO IT WAS??!?!?! I wouldn't have opened it to anybody anyway that late! No self-respecting person would ring my doorbell that late at night with good intentions and since my aged body/legs prevents me from running faster than a "crook" I passed on that one. ;-)
So this afternoon I called our next door neighbor and asked if it was him. They're a young couple with 2 toddlers. He said it wasn't him but it was the police. I asked why the police would come so late. (About a week ago this young couple had all the windows broken out of a car they keep in the driveway instead of putting it in the garage. It is NOW put into the garage at night.) Anyway, the plainclothes officers came around late to ask questions. Kinda weird to me, neighbor too because he was bathing the 2 toddlers to put to bed. But it is what it is. Apparently this happened to about 40 cars that night but only his in our neighborhood. Sad that kids (probably) have to resort to this sort of vandalism to get their kicks. Just makes me sad that I can't even feel safe in my own home or neighborhood anymore. And I live in one of the least crime ridden states and in a nice neighborhood.
So hubs gets home tomorrow and said that the Sunshine State lost its reputation this week. He didn't see the sun once while in Florida and it rained every single day. Next year the convention will be in Phoenix. Okay, Arizona, get ready for rain!!!!!! :-)
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